View Full Version : Not a froe but ?

Baxter Smith
12-18-2009, 10:04 PM
Seeing the recent classified for a froe made me think about something I picked up 20 years ago at a sale. Didn't know then and still don't. What do you think this is/or was used for. Doesn't look like it has ever been beat on.

Stephen Shepherd
12-19-2009, 1:03 AM
Looks like a hay knife to me.


paul cottingham
12-19-2009, 2:06 AM
+1 hay knife or sickle

Mike Null
12-19-2009, 7:02 AM
+2 for hay sickle

Baxter Smith
12-19-2009, 8:09 AM
Hay knife or sickle? Never thought of that. Is there a difference between the two? My Uncle has a couple of hay knives hanging up in his barn and they look more like a bread knife kind of blade. Why would the handle be offset? The convex side is the sharpened side if you couldn't see in the picture.

Halgeir Wold
12-19-2009, 8:48 AM
I've never ever seen a hay sickle with the edge on the outside.....?

Tom Winship
12-19-2009, 9:38 AM
I've never ever seen a hay sickle with the edge on the outside.....?

I agree. I was going to call it a hay knife earlier, but the one we had as a kid, had more curve an the cutting edge was on the inside.

george wilson
12-19-2009, 10:13 AM
Reverse hay knife:)!

harry strasil
12-19-2009, 12:40 PM
It's a Hay Knife, used to cut hay from a stack of hay. Well Worn too!

Baxter Smith
12-21-2009, 12:12 AM
You were right Harry. Found some pictures tonight showing different styles. One place dated a similar one about 1830. The serrated ones on the left were the only ones I was familiar with. Thanks, 20 year mystery solved.