View Full Version : A Veneer Story

Mike Henderson
12-18-2009, 8:28 PM
Several months ago, I was contacted by a guy who saw some of my veneer work on my web site. He's an experienced woodworker but has never worked with veneer and wants to add that capability to his repertoire.

So we went back and forth via e-mail and I tried to give him some advice on working with veneer. He lives about an hour from me and we eventually set up for him to visit with me. I showed him some veneer things, discussed some techniques, and sold him some veneer (holly and some walnut burl I had). I also gave him some walnut pieces that were left over from a project, and some maple burl that I never found a use for.

That was maybe two weeks ago. Today, I get an e-mail from him with his first attempt at marquetry (see attached picture). Recognize that he's never had a class in veneer work - just reading a few books. [Note: that's just a loose panel - it's not glued down which is why it looks curved in places.]

I was very (VERY) impressed. This guy has a future in veneer and marquetry. In addition to his skills in cutting and fitting veneer, he has that really elusive skill - design.

Just wanted to share a really positive story with everyone.


Peter Quinn
12-18-2009, 8:30 PM
That is stunning. Nice post. Looks like he found his calling, and you helped!

Ron Bott
12-18-2009, 10:20 PM
This guy has a future in veneer and marquetry. In addition to his skills in cutting and fitting veneer, he has that really elusive skill - design.

...or he has the Paul Schurch video, in which that is the sample project.

Mike Henderson
12-18-2009, 10:22 PM
...or he has the Paul Schurch video, in which that is the sample project.
Ah ha, he does have the DVD. I've never seen the DVD so I didn't recognize it.

Thanks for pointing that out. I was feeling really inadequate.


[I'm going to have to buy that DVD.]

Ron Bott
12-18-2009, 10:28 PM
A good job by him nonetheless! Also an excellent video by the way.

Harold Burrell
12-18-2009, 10:33 PM
...or he has the Paul Schurch video, in which that is the sample project.


Thanks for pointing that out.

I was just about to quit WWing.

Carroll Courtney
12-19-2009, 8:17 AM
Its amazing what a person can do when they have a good teacher.I always read your post and visit your website and like the student,have learned alot from you.Wish I was closer,I be over all the time wanting lessons.That veneer panel looks great,always wanted to do sand shading.Congrads to the new student of "Veneer" looks fantastic---Carroll

Dan Bowman
12-19-2009, 9:09 AM
the work on your website if wonderful! The swing you made in 2006 is one of the nicest I've ever seen.

Leigh Betsch
12-19-2009, 9:49 AM
You guys are out of my league. I can't even dream stuff like that. It would be interesting to see a thread that show cased some marquetry. Maybe a "Show us your Marquetry" like I did in the "Show us your Bench" thread.