View Full Version : Coffee Scoops & chuck

Mike Peace
12-18-2009, 8:22 PM
My club had a workshop Saturday on making coffee scoops. The key is having one of these little donut chucks. The chuck has a tenon so it can be held with my SN2 #2 jaws. It is made of hardwood with T nuts on the back of the chuck to hold the 1/4" X 2" screws through the front plate. The hole for the handle is drilled with a 7/8" forstner. The handle is tilted back toward the headstock for hollowing the bowl to give it a pleasing shape. The chuck took a little effort to make but worth it if you are going to make a lot of these.

The scoop in the chuck is Osage Orange and the others are all Dogwood. They are about as addictive as the little birdhouse ornaments. The scoop is about 1 3/4" in diameter and they are about 5 1/2" long. These hold about a tablespoon.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-18-2009, 8:41 PM

Gorgeous and practical!

Do you put any finish on them?

I can see next years Christmas presents!

Thanks for sharing Mike.

Mike Peace
12-18-2009, 8:47 PM
Ken, the instructor used a CA finish but I am just using Ubeaut EEE on the lathe and then Mahoney's Walnut oil. I think they would be well received as presents. I will soon find out!

gary Zimmel
12-18-2009, 8:49 PM
Great little project Mike....
Thanks for yet another great idea.

Steve Schlumpf
12-18-2009, 9:06 PM
Mike - looks really cool! Really like the chuck and can see how that would make things a lot easier when hollowing! Great looking scoops! Should make for great presents!

Robert Arrowood
12-18-2009, 9:14 PM
Those are real neat.I've been trying to figure out how to do that.Without a kit.Anyway you could post some pics of the how you made the jig?

Greg Just
12-18-2009, 9:15 PM
Nice job Mike - great jig idea

Baxter Smith
12-18-2009, 9:43 PM
Too many good ideas in this place.:) Set aside a piece of dogwood today that hadn't checked too badly as I was bringing in some firewood. Thanks for sharing!

Bernie Weishapl
12-18-2009, 10:02 PM
Great looking scoops Mike. I really like the donut chuck idea. I think that is what I would use for finish to.

John Keeton
12-19-2009, 5:40 AM
Neat idea! So, I guess the donut chuck is project specific - sized to the scoop. One would need to make another one for any larger/smaller project?

Did you turn the recess in the base of the donut, or is it drilled partially through the tenon? Are the grooves/dadoes done with a router or by hand? Sorry for the questions!

Rob Cunningham
12-19-2009, 9:32 AM
Great looking scoops. The donut chuck looks like it makes it an easy project. Thanks for the pics.

Jim Kountz
12-19-2009, 9:48 AM
Great idea with the chuck, I made one of these a while back and used a friction chuck I made from a 4x4 post. I was worried the whole time about it coming loose. Your chuck eliminates that. Thanks for posting!!

Harvey M. Taylor
12-19-2009, 9:59 AM
I think I understand everything except how` the scoop is turned on one side of the end of the handle. Probably just my ignorance,but I still dont understand it. Max

Richard Madison
12-19-2009, 10:17 AM
Also made a jam/friction chuck a while back, and ultimately had to use double-stick tape to keep the scoop in place. Mike's doughnut chuck is vary cool. Must remember it if ever need to make scoop number 2.

Kenneth Whiting
12-19-2009, 10:46 AM
That a nice setup. I recently watched this video, but wasn't sure how I felt about trying it. http://http://marleyturned.com/id175.htm

I like your setup much better. Now I might have to make a couple of those.

Bill Bolen
12-19-2009, 11:03 AM
That is a really cool project and what a great way to use up those scraps too. Hope you didn't bog down that itty bitty machine with those big 'ole scoops!!...Bill..

Skip Spaulding
12-19-2009, 12:18 PM
Great scoops Mike, thanks for sharing the jig pictures.

Terry Murphy
12-19-2009, 12:23 PM
Everyday I learn something on this forum.
Those are great scoops.
My todo list is getting way too long, but I like it.


Mike Peace
12-19-2009, 12:52 PM
The base of the chuck is 1" thick. The front piece is 3/4" thick. The chuck is about 5 1/4" in diameter.

You can turn both pieces round on the lathe probably easier than cutting with a bandsaw. Drill a 1/8" hole in the base plate and turn it round between centers and add the tendon. Reverse in the chuck and hollow out the back plate that cradles the back of the scoop about 3/8" deep hollowed out to fit the round scoop. Don't go so deep that you risk weakening the tendon that is held by your 4 jaw chuck.

Screw on the front piece that will be the donut thru the 1/8" hole in the base plate and turn it round.

I recessed the holes for the Phillips head screws. Mostly in case the tool rest slipped I did not want it to hit the screw heads. When you drill the holes for the T nuts (5/16" for mine), drill thru both pieces. The larger hole gives you a little play which is good. You might recess the holes for the T nuts about 1/16" and hammer in the T Nuts.

Bolt together and use a drill press to drill the 7/8" hole that holds the handle on.

Be sure you have removed the screw that holds the two pieces together first before hollowing! DAMHIKT. The front donut plate is hollowed on both sides. This is easily done since you can bolt it with the inside out. I think it should be able to hold a scoop from about 1 1/2" to about 2 1/8" although all of mine have been right at 1 3/4".

I would not worry about hollowing the outside of the donut until you chuck up your first scoop. Then you can hollow it to best fit.

Hope these additional instructions help. Good luck!

Allen Neighbors
12-19-2009, 3:59 PM
Well done, Mike... good job on the donut, too!!
Aren't these fun to make? Good sellers, too!