View Full Version : Porsche clamp. My most expensive clamp yet - Pic

Matt Allan
10-08-2004, 3:09 PM
So after my post about my veneer blunder a few days ago with cauls. I had to figure out a way to not screw up the front piece. It's 12 glued up pieces of veneer in a starburst kind of thing, and I sure didn't want to ruin it.. Not doing enough veneering I thought it would be wasteful to build a vacuum press.

I wanted to use weight instead of cauls, to even it out better and not screw up again. I didn't have anything heavy enough to get enough pressure though. Then I had an idea, I have 3 in the garage that I am not driving right now.

Introducing the Porsche 928S4 Veneer clamp.. And the Audi S8 veneer clamp...

Sure I still don't get vacuum press PSI, but they both came out perfect. Lets see how well a vacuum press can take corners on a windy road too..

I just thought it looked too amusing not to take pictures. =)

Donnie Raines
10-08-2004, 3:19 PM
Now thats a clamp.....But..what do you think of mine(ok its not really my clamp...)..see link...

So did it work???


Michael Stafford
10-08-2004, 3:23 PM
That's two clamps that SWMBO will never be talked into. But necessity is the mother of invention and those are some mothers of all clamps. Could be construed as vehicle abuse...

Matt Allan
10-08-2004, 3:29 PM
Now thats a clamp.....But nothing like my clamp(ok its not really my clamp...)..see link...

So did it work???

They both worked awesome. Couldn't be on any better by the looks of them both veneers.

As for the link.. New Porsche isn't what it use to be, at least driving wise. the 911 died after 1998.. 993 was the last fun driving car. The GT2 is about the closest thing to a real Porsche, so I have heard. When I take my S8 to the dealer for maintenance they normally let me take out a new Porsche while I wait. They are so sissified now, it is sad. Although I have never driven a GT3, I have driven the new 911 Turbos and they aren't what they use to be. Butter like pedals, lexus type interior, they just don't feel like a Porsche. Bah, that isn't what a Porsche 911 is suppose to be.

Sorry sorry..This is woodworking forum. I just get carried away about that. =)

Dick Parr
10-08-2004, 3:33 PM
If you have any extra of those clamps, send one this way and I'll give it a try. :D I do like the use of good equipment though. Good idea.

George Summers
10-08-2004, 4:55 PM
As for the link.. New Porsche isn't what it use to be, at least driving wise.

Last really fun Porsche to drive was the 356.


Mike Tempel
10-08-2004, 8:29 PM
Matt, mind if I take your clamps out for a spin??????

Would love to see how well they "hold" the road.


Matt Allan
10-08-2004, 8:46 PM
Sure.. I have some more veneer to glue up first though, kind of odd saying I can't drive my cars until I use them as clamps first.

Now I have a reason when SWMBO asks me why I need so many cars.. I may need to clamp 3 veneers down AND have a car to drive while they are drying! Somehow I don't see that working though.

Charlie Plesums
10-08-2004, 11:14 PM
To some, that would be a sinful waste of good clean garage space. Just think how many tools and how much wood you could get in there!

Ken Fitzgerald
10-08-2004, 11:37 PM
Matt....do you think a new 4x4 Dodge 1-ton Cummins diesel could be used as clamps? :confused: .......Naw....she'd never buy it even if it meant something new to pull our 5th wheel with.....besides I'm still not done completing the new shop. :( :rolleyes: :D

Matt Allan
10-09-2004, 12:39 AM
Matt....do you think a new 4x4 Dodge 1-ton Cummins diesel could be used as clamps? :confused: .......Naw....she'd never buy it even if it meant something new to pull our 5th wheel with.....besides I'm still not done completing the new shop. :( :rolleyes: :D
Hey you never know until you try.. :)

Just tell her all the exotic woods you could veneer to build her things.. or something.. Good luck with that one :)

Matt Allan
10-09-2004, 12:42 AM
To some, that would be a sinful waste of good clean garage space. Just think how many tools and how much wood you could get in there!
I sometimes do see the 3 car garage as a lot of space I could be using for woodworking, but I like my cars a lot too.. I would never leave them outside, and I sure wouldn't cover them in dust.

I even have a plastic bubble for one of the Porsches that I use in the winter, its pretty cool. A fan runs and blows it up, soi can keep it covered but still see it. I know I'm weird, you should see the looks on peoples faces when they see it for the first time... :D

Brad Olson
10-09-2004, 5:53 PM
I have been doing a fair amount of veneering and I must say that is the most creative solution to clamping I have seen yet!

Todd Burch
10-09-2004, 6:56 PM
A clean garage is the sign of a sick mind....

Matt, you should send that picture in to some of the WW mags. Might get best new tip award!

Jim Becker
10-09-2004, 8:18 PM
A clean garage is the sign of a sick mind....
Garage? What's a garage?? Never heard of such a thing.:D

Now, a clean shop...that can be ellusive much of the time...:p