View Full Version : caul making?

Brian Greb
12-16-2009, 3:06 PM
Hey guys i have one of those questions that i hate to ask but, a while back i read an article on making a curved caul on the jointer but i can't find the article and i wanted to know if any one out there knows the trick.

I know someone is going to recommend the bow clamp... but I'm not interested... I'm a woodworker, not a fancy highly machined wood collector... plus their "tool" is over priced in my book(i need 16 cauls)...

thanks for any tips

Ben Hatcher
12-16-2009, 3:30 PM
Mike Henderson posted one with a link to his website showing how to make one using a hand plane. That thread is here:

Rob Fisher
12-16-2009, 3:30 PM
Check out this thread


Some really good information. ;)


Jim Rimmer
12-16-2009, 8:51 PM
+1 on the post by Mike Henderson

Brian Greb
01-17-2010, 6:24 PM
I couldn't find the article but I tried what remembered... so here is what I came up with. first i squared up the blank (8/4 X 3" X 36" ash in this case), then I found the center line. Next I marked out to either side of the cl 2 1/2", then I went 3" out from that mark, then 4", and finally 6". Then at the jointer I jointed 3/32" deep to the first line, then the second line... and so on. finally I jointed the entire face keeping the board pressed tight to the bed as I made the final curved pass. Then all that was left is some sanding to smooth out the curve. well that is what I came up with. I hope others find this helpful.