View Full Version : Room Temp and Finish

Jasun Brown
12-14-2009, 3:42 PM
I have a small room off my shop that has been designated a finish/clean room.
I have in-floor heat with concrete floors. That particular room is on a different heat zone than the shop so it gets/stays pretty warm like 78-80 degrees where the shop is 60-62 degrees.
I take my projects in the finish room to apply oil and varnish type finishes.

Question: should I be concerned with the heat of the room "cooking" the finish to fast?? I use Wipe on poly most of the time over BLO. The heat is dry but like I said it is pretty warm. Are there any other issues with finishing in this room that I need to watch out for??
Thanks in advance for the input!!

Scott Holmes
12-15-2009, 12:14 AM
That seems like an ideal finish room.

Now if we could get you to explore the incredible world of finishes that exists beyond poly... wait until you wipe on an alkyd resin varnish and see the clarity.

Polyurethane varnish is for floors, PERIOD

Jim Becker
12-16-2009, 9:29 PM
That temp range in your finishing room is actually ideal for finishing. The 60-62ºF that the rest of your shop is is too cold for reliable finishing.