View Full Version : Source for ice cream scoops

Chris Barnett
12-14-2009, 1:32 PM
Have been looking for ice cream scoop kits but seems the insertion length into a turning is too short, such that reasonable force may too easily break the interface between wood and steel. Soft ice cream might not be a problem but cannot control how others might use them....may really want that ice cream and will not wait :D. The ones we have are large section cast metal; perhaps more metal working is needed...small foundry to make stuff for wood projects ;).

Bought pizza cutters but when ready to make the handles, found the exact same problem...too short! Kits appear really nice and all stainless steel so otherwise I am well satisfied. And this is what we (well ok...maybe just me) complain about .... stuff breaking because it's too flimzy. Can maybe solve by welding an extension to the insertion parts (see pic) and a much deeper hole.

Now (whew...about time :)) the question: anyone know of a source for ice cream scoops (stainless only) that have a longer shaft? I have not had one of these in my hands so I'm not sure I can solve my perceived problem like might be done with the pizza cutter (but jury is still out on that issue).

David Walser
12-14-2009, 2:20 PM

I'm not sure how long you think the tang on an ice cream scoop needs to be, but I've not had any problem with the kits from Rockler. I made several for Christmas gifts last year. No one's reported a failure and I've abused my wife's scoop quite a bit on far-too-hard ice cream this past summer.

Malcolm Tibbetts
12-14-2009, 6:10 PM
Chris, these are not stainless steel, but solid brass. I made these recently using the scoops from Alan Lacer's website: alanlacer.com. The tang is almost two inches long.

Bernie Weishapl
12-14-2009, 6:30 PM
I have used te kits from Rockler. I have made at least 15 of them and have not had a problem with them breaking. I know ours get used with hard ice cream from the grocery store freezer.

Greg Just
12-14-2009, 7:18 PM
I don't think you can break the ones from Rockler, unless the wood breaks for some reason. I have purchased a chrome one from W-mart and cut the plastic handle off. The tang is rectangular, but I carefully drilled a slot and used a lot of glue.