View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
12-14-2009, 9:02 AM
14 Dec 2009

Good Morning Everyone,
I hope that this finds each of you doing well as well as staying warm. The weather here has been the coldest of what I can remember for this time of year and for a very cool summer when compared to most every summer prior to this one.

Been working on Christmas gifts for the family and the LOML has been helping with the finishing process. It's been nice to work together in the shop as she is really a good helper and she enjoys it as well. The projects will be done this week and many of them will be finished and shipped out to family members today or tomorrow.

Been working a lot at the day job and seems like the more I work, the more I need to get done. I guess that's just the way it goes.

That's it for me except for the requests I have to play bass for various Christmas services but my time is limited and I guess I'll only really have time for just 3 services this year. Maybe next year things will be better.

So what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Al Willits
12-14-2009, 9:09 AM
Busy one for us, I worked for 7 hours on Sat, then the wife and I went off to by a Camera, hit Cabella's for some fishing stuff and had diner out.
Sunday watched the Vikings win, installed a ceiling fan in the garage and actually started on the wifes kitchen cabinet...the ones I promised I start waaay back.

Hope all have a safe and enjoyable Christmas.


Matt Meiser
12-14-2009, 9:13 AM
Saturday I participated in a spray finishing workshop a couple of our club members put together. It was a good time, and I left with a turbine unit I'll probably end up buying.

Saturday night we went out to spend my Christmas gift from my company. We were given a check and told to spend it on something extravagant/crazy for our families. So we combined it with a gift check from my wife's employer and went out to a nice locally owned seafood restaurant, had a really good meal, then left the waitress a really nice tip with the remainder.

Sunday I finished up Christmas gifts for my wife and daughter, loaded Windows 7 on my shop PC (looks good so far,) went to my parents' for dinner, and then came home and made some extra shelves for a couple cabinets in their kitchen and took care of a couple other things for them.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-14-2009, 9:34 AM
Friday night the LOML were going out for dinner before the snow hit. At the last minute, some friends asked me to help them and then invited us to stay for dinner.

Saturday, I finally figured out how to put scallops in the turned candle stand I started 6 months ago. I scalloped the bottom of the spindle and the matching areas on the 3 legs. Then I glued in the dovetail attached legs. There is no turning back now!

Sunday some more sanding on the table and then I started the finishing process. I also started another Christmas ornament.

As the LOML leaves for Illinois next weekend, the oldest son and wife came over for an early Christmas dinner.

JohnT Fitzgerald
12-14-2009, 11:53 AM
aside from the normal weekend activities with the kids, I went and picked up a new table saw. Had a friend over yesterday to help get it into my basement, and I spent some time putting it together. I need to hit The Depot on the way home to get a longer cord (6' just doesn't cut it!) and a 220 receptacle, since I don't have any 220 outlets yet.

Cliff Holmes
12-14-2009, 12:09 PM
Ran the circuit for my wife's new 3520B, which necessitated moving it from it's hiding place and then putting it back. While I had it out, I actually opened it and made sure there *was* a lathe in there ... :)

Also installed a ceiling-mount air hose, rewrote the drills review, gathered stuff for three other reviews in the works, installed a keyless deadbolt in the shop door, installed a wheelchair ramp for my MIL, ran a new DC ductwork leg, and started installing a new blastgate-switching system for the DC.

Where did my weekend go?

Joe Mioux
12-14-2009, 8:09 PM
Busy weekend with my business.... its the season!.

worked all day Sat and started at 4:30 am Sunday morning, (got church in between work) finished at 12:30 pm then watched my girls' Christmas concert. Jennifer plays the bass clarinet and christina plays trumpet.

got home around 2 and sort of did nothing the rest of the day.

Jim O'Dell
12-14-2009, 10:58 PM
Well, I thought I would get some shop time Sat am, then be done for the rest of the day. As it turned out, I got commandeered to go shopping in the am, came home for lunch, had a visit with a family for the rescue dogs, then about 2 hours in the shop. Sunday about 3 more hours in the shop, then another family that had rescheduled from Sat pm, came and looked at the rescues. Both really good visits. One dog went to her new home today, supposed to have heard from the other family today on their decision, but so far no call. Finally gave up on the Cowboy game, went back to the shop for about an hour. Listened to the sorry finish on the radio.
The time in the shop allowed me to do a lot more on the duct work redo. I now have the new leg done where it goes to the east wall where the BS got moved to. And the down tube from that same line to go for the new saw when it arrives. I took down the old down tube, and took that wye out, so now I have about 7 or 8 feet of straight pipe leading into the cyclone. I had hoped that would work. Still need to get one more section of pipe, possible some els, and one more 6-6-6 wye, but will need the new saw here to do some of it. Next Sat, I plan on moving the current contractor saw to it's new position, and I need to do some major clean up. I've got little PVC shavings everywhere!!!! :eek::eek: Jim.

Brian Kent
12-14-2009, 11:40 PM
The up side - I played timpani while my son played trombone in Handel's Messiah. My wife and sister cheered us on. I played the marimba for a men's fellowship while sharing about my dad's jazz drumming career.

On the down side, I performed my seventh funeral in six weeks. Two more to go. It's good to help the families, but it is also one of the reasons I like the escape of woodworking.

george wilson
12-14-2009, 11:46 PM
My wife was away on a selling weekend,so I had to walk the dogs,who have to be treated like small children!! I also started to make an 18th.C. brass pencil. It is essentially a double ended collet with ornamentation. Each end can clamp a large(abt.3 mm) lead in it,made square. Sliding rings tighten the outside tapered collets.

If I had to make another,I'd want $700.00. It is a tricky job,and every operation has to be done in exactly the right order,or you can't clamp it in a lathe collet. This one is free.

Scott Wigginton
12-15-2009, 7:01 AM
I've been out of the shop for too long! Finally made my way back in and hit the ground running:

Insulated 80% of the front of the workshop
Hung & Wired both large box speakers
Put TS on custom mobile stand, sealed open bottom of TS
Attached new trunions to BS (last ones cracked awhile ago)
Finished jigsaw holder for my french cleat system
Cleaned up surface rust from jointer (had standing water from condensation Sat morning)

Cary Falk
12-15-2009, 7:15 AM
I got a gutar laquered and polished up for a friend. I was working on a set of pantry doors for a guy at work. I got everything roughed out. I am waiting for the raised panel bit set to show in the mail. My neighbor finally called back about a plasma tv cabinet I bid on. She said I underbid and gave me some more money. :D I guess I will be very busy for the next couple of months.

Jim Becker
12-16-2009, 9:57 PM
Another almost fully equestrian weekend with lessons on Saturdayas well as holiday shopping and then a show on Sunday. But I started working out the details on a "Taj Mahal" tack trunk that I now owe the fellow I just bough a majorly nice French dressage saddle from...it was a "pile of cash plus a trunk" deal. His is going to be very similar to ours physically, but even nicer looking with walnut trim over natural ash or QS WO fields. I'll be starting this project next week, most likely. I also have to finish designing some new jumps for the barn that will have a creative design, making them easy to use and move for training but very nice looking for shows. (I guess there is going to be an equestrian theme to my woodworking projects a lot of the time. LOL)

Saddle in use during the show...




Jim Broestler
12-17-2009, 12:46 PM
Cranked out a batch of Sandfield puzzle boxes. Some to sell, some for gifts. Made an American Girl dollbed for a lady my wife works with. Now it's time to hurry and finish some canister sets for family gifts.