View Full Version : Oil Finishes without Fumes/ Penofin Verde?

Andrew Joiner
12-12-2009, 9:54 PM
I used Watco for years. Now I make my own blend of equal parts varnish, linseed oil a mineral spirits. I like the results and trust the finish.

The problem is I can't tolerate the fumes anymore, even with a good respirator. It's the mineral spirits that gets me. Turpentine is no better.

Anyone tried citrus thinner instead of mineral spirits for oil finishes?

My next step is to try linseed oil alone but heat it first to get it penetrate.

Has anyone here tried Penofin Verde? They say it has "no odor".


Casey Gooding
12-13-2009, 8:33 PM
Have you tried odorless mineral spirits?? That's my choice for this finish.

Scott Holmes
12-13-2009, 8:41 PM
I too would suggest the oroderless or low oder MS.

FYI it's not as strong as regular MS either so for brush clean up it's not as good.

You should check your resporator too a good resp with the correct cartride should block all the smells.

Andrew Joiner
12-14-2009, 1:08 PM
No, I read in FWW that odorless mineral spirits was just as toxic because people have a tendency to breath it longer. With less odor you may breathe it 20% longer so if it's 20% less toxic it's the same. It may be worth a try.

Also the varnish is 1/3 of the mix and they all have mineral spirits in them( I think).

My respirator is new and it does help a lot. I may just be more health conscious than I was when I was younger and used Watco weekly for years. I just accepted it as part of the job.

I tried linseed oil alone and heated it first to get it penetrate. The process will take a while,but I'll report my results here soon. This is what Thos Moser uses, so it's time proven.

Thanks for you replies.

Scott Holmes
12-14-2009, 1:22 PM
It should not take you any longer to wipe your oil/varnish blend so the low odor will be better. Get a Quality respirator with OSHA approved cartridges and there should be no odor in the mask.

NOTE: Store the mask or at least the cartridges in an airtight zip-lock bag. If you don’t the cartridges keep on working and by the next day they are spent.

They are usually good for 12 hours of breathing. Rated for 8 hours but WW finishes aren’t as bad as some of the others.