View Full Version : Here come forty pens

Bruce Shiverdecker
10-06-2004, 11:12 PM
Stopped into Woodcraft to get replacement tool rest. Broke the last one (cast) - tried to take too BIG A BITE out on an edge. Bought a machined one this time.

While I was there, Roger told me some of the replacement pen kits had arrived and did I want any right now. I took twenty. Surprise...........Woodcraft Corp. included some Quilted Maple turning blanks with them.

I got home and started turning those and twenty I had been saving for later. Just finished the last ones.

In the Picture:
1-7 are Walnut
8-14 are Quilted Maple (from Woodcraft)
15-17 are Cherry
18-19 are Honey Locust
20-22 are MAhogany
23-24 are Oak
25 is Elm
26 is Maple
27-29 are Spalted Maple
30 is Walnut over Spalted Maple
All those are going to Woodcraft tomorrow morning
31-35 are IPE
36-40 are Cherry
These ten are going with me to Philladelphia for the Penn State TAT, that way, if I don't get a chance to turn there, at least I can contribute to their efforts.

Grand Total, so far.....220. Got a Lot to go!

Take care all -"The joy of woodturning is that all you have to do is remove what's not needed to have something beautiful. Nature does the hard part."

Bruce ;)

Jim Ketron
10-06-2004, 11:17 PM
Nice Pens Bruce!
Those spalted maple pens looks Awesome!
How are you Guys doing the red white blue on Them?

Dick Parr
10-06-2004, 11:32 PM
Very nice Bruce!

John Miliunas
10-06-2004, 11:40 PM
A regular pen-making machine you are, Bruce! :D Great job for a great cause and yeah, the Spalted Maple ones really jump out at you! (I'm also partial to BE Maple on pens!) Way to go! :cool:

Bruce Shiverdecker
10-06-2004, 11:51 PM
Doing the Red, White,and Blue isn't too hard.

!. I use my table saw to make all cuts.

2, I cut it into 5/8" wide strips. Then I turn the strips on their side and trim them to 5/8", too.

3. Split these in two making the strips 1/4" thick X 5/8" wide.

4, Using Thick CA, I glue the strips together, which makes a strip of Red, White, and Blue.

5. Next I take the strips and cut them up into 5/8" squares.

6. Making sure that the end of a turning blank is square and solid, I use CA glue and mount the Red, White, and Blue to one end, Holding it in place with a clamp until it has set.

7. Placing the Corian end next to the fence for the first cut, I cut the turning blank into two pieces, each one 2-1/8' long. This gives me about 3/16" more than the length of the brass tube.

8. Turn as you normally would, taking care at the juncture of wood and Corian so that you don't gouge the wood, since it is so much softer than the Corian.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

BTW, thanks for your comment on the pens.


Steve Clardy
10-07-2004, 7:16 PM
Looking good Bruce.
