View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"-Last Edition

Karl Laustrup
12-11-2009, 8:57 AM
Friday December 11, 2009


Yes, this will be the last edition of "Weekend Doin's" that I will be doing. I don't remember when I started, but I think it's been about 3+ years. Interest in this weekly thread has waned recently and I will be going on vacation until after January 1, 2010, so I feel this would be a good time to end my doing this thread.

This has been a week I'd rather forget. I spent the better part of Wednesday digging out from 16+ inches of snow. Now it's just cold. Minus numbers yesterday morning and this morning with highs just barely making it to +6, I'm ready for a break. And it's only DECEMBER!!!!! We do have a few days of fairly nice weather, albeit cold, before the next storm hits. I knew we'd pay for the mild November we had.:(

Not much for me this weekend. Just putting the finishing touches on getting ready for our vacation. We are going to spend Christmas and New Years with relatives.

What will you be up to this weekend? Not many days left before Christmas. Do you have all your shopping done? Whatever you're up to I hope you have a great weekend. Please be SAFE.


P.S. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.

Please don't forget our service men and women during this time.

JohnT Fitzgerald
12-11-2009, 9:04 AM
Hi Karl -

Thank you for keeping this thread going all this time. It's been a great way to get to know people a little more - knowing what's going on other than the latest shop/project talk.

As for me, we have a birthday dinner to go to tonight for a friend, and tomorrow I'm going for a ride tomorrow to look at - and hopefully bring home - a new TS. Sunday is up in the air - depending on my experience tomorrow, I hope to be rallying some friends to help get something big and heavy down into my basement. I'll be posting an update one way or another...

Have a nice vacation Karl....see you next year...

Ken Fitzgerald
12-11-2009, 9:11 AM
Good morning Karl!

We have no snow here and the night time lows have been down near zero but wait.....the weather guessers say it should be 30ºF today and above freezing Saturday through Wednesday.

This weekend try to finish a couple of Christmas presents.

Matt Meiser
12-11-2009, 9:25 AM
We haven't had any significant snow yet but yesterday it was about 10 all day with wind chill around 0. The day before we had 60MPH wind and lost power for about 4 hours. Still very cold and windy today.

One of the guys in our club is doing a spray finishing workshop tomorrow so I'm attending that. Also need to apply finish to a couple Christmas gifts--hopefully I'll get a start on that at lunch time today. If those get done, I want to get going on the stand for my planer. Bought the steel for it 2 or 3 weeks ago and its been sitting ever since.

Don Orr
12-11-2009, 11:19 AM
While I am guilty of not posting in your threads, I have enjoyed reading them. Thanks for trying to do this for so long. Have a nice vacation and we'll see you when yoo get back. Happy Holidays and safe travels.

This is the second weekend of my wife's pottery show/sale at home so I am not going anywhere. Hopefully I will spend most of the time in my shop working on Christmas ornaments.

Take care and thanks again,

Jim O'Dell
12-11-2009, 12:10 PM
Thanks Karl!! Great job!
We have 3 visits for the rescue dogs tomorrow. The first one TLOML will take one of our dogs to their house to see what their Pom thinks of a big dog.:eek: Then 2 more families visiting at our house spaced throughout the afternoon. Getting lots of applicants that look good for a change.
Might get into the shop for a few hours that am. Then some more Sunday. I'm tearing out and redoing ductwork getting ready for the new saw late this month. Won't be able to finish until the saw gets here, but I know about where the drop needs to be. Will have to get another stick or 2 of pipe, and some fittings. Also trying to finalize some ideas for the dust hood for the SCMS and RAS. Have some ideas brewing, will share IF they pan out.:rolleyes:
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Jim.

Jim Becker
12-13-2009, 10:29 PM
Karl, thanks for your contribution to the community for all these years by sponsoring this "serial thread". It really is appreciated by so many of us, even when we don't have something to contribute on a weekly basis.

This weekend was not destined to be a woodworking weekend for me as there were the normal riding lessons on Saturday as well as holiday shopping and a horse show on Sunday. But...over the coming holiday period, I'll be starting another "Taj Mahal" tack trunk...this one for the gentleman that I just bought a very nice French dressage saddle from. It's part of the payment in addition to a huge chunk of cash. :eek: It will be very similar to our trunk/drawer (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=125928&highlight=tack) setup, but in ash or QS white oak with walnut trim. I'll also be designing and building a group of jumps for the barn that will be "modular" so they can be simple and easy to move around for lessons/training, but have some nice flash for shows. I suspect I'll be doing more of these things over time--combining the equestrian "vortex" with the woodworking "vortex" for mutual benefit. :)

David Christopher
12-13-2009, 10:37 PM
Karl. thanls for keeping the thread alive for as long as you have, I dont allways post but allways read...have a nice vacation...BTW no snow down here, it was 71 today

Andy Haney
12-14-2009, 7:18 PM
Thanks for keeping this up Karl. I've always read the thread, just rarely believe what I have going is of interest to you folks.

SWMBO calls you all my "imaginary friends". I spend many of my evenings with you, whether you know it or not.


Joe Mioux
12-14-2009, 7:52 PM
thanks Karl..... like others have mentioned, I read this thread almost every week.


Jacob Mac
12-14-2009, 7:56 PM
Thanks for keeping this up Karl. I've always read the thread, just rarely believe what I have going is of interest to you folks.

SWMBO calls you all my "imaginary friends". I spend many of my evenings with you, whether you know it or not.


I'm right there with you, Andy. I always enjoy reading this thread, it makes the place more human.

This weekend was really nice for me on the tool front. I received my first ever DP, and a really nice used FMT with all the bells and whistles. Unfortunately, I had to spend a lot of time setting them up, so I didn't get much done in the way of actual wwing (I know, times is hard :D). But, these tools should really pay dividends in the near and long term. I'm convinced my workbench wouldn't have been quite the abomination it turned into if I had a DP, but that is crying over spilled milk at this point.

Other than that, I had kid duty this weekend. My wife is in the throes of finals, so I haven't seen her for the past ten days other than when she stumbles out of her room mumbling long enough to grab some tea.

Paul Ryan
12-14-2009, 8:11 PM
Thanks for the threads Karl,

Starting the dreaded christmas's. I really dislike the 4 family gatherings. Why the hell do we have to have 4. SWMBO just replies "because." An I say "yes dear". Anyway that is what my next uhmmmmmmmm 4 weekends will be up to. How do I get any christmas presents done. You got me. Start in Jan and 12 months later you are ready. I'm done venting for now. The only good thing is I get to engorge my self with christmas cookies. Anyway Happy Holidays early from me. And have a great vacation Karl, hopefully it is someplace warm and tropical. With lots of great oposite sex scenery. That makes a good vacation for me.

Peter Quinn
12-14-2009, 8:12 PM
Thanks for doing this thread for so long Karl. I rarely post but regularly read what others are doing. Somehow "Watching the tools rust and the kids grow" didn't seem like much of a contribution. In any event enjoy that vacation, and thanks for letting me live vicariously through everyone's wood working adventures.

Warren Johnson
12-15-2009, 2:34 PM

Thanks for your work on this. I'm not a poster, but enjoy keeping up with the news.