View Full Version : UPDATE to sawstop brake thread

mreza Salav
12-10-2009, 10:22 PM
Well I had an update to add to the recent thread I started:


But since I thought my post might get lost among the replies decided to start a new thread:

I contacted sawstop and explained my suggestion (regarding updating the manual or adding a sticker to the blank ZCI). I had spotted a couple of other (small) errors in their manual which resulted in updating their online manual recently. The same service manager replied this time. He thanked me for the careful suggestions and told me that since about 6 months ago they have started adding an instruction sheet to the new blank ZCI (mine was old stock and didn't have this). He sent me the file (see below). Guess what was the very first Warning in the instruction:


Now the better part is that he offered to send me a brake cartridge as well as a blade!!!! He said that:

" This would not be our normal practice, but I appreciate your candor and positive suggestions. I know that you weren’t asking for compensation, but I appreciate the concern and appreciate your desire to be helpful."

Now that's a top notch customer service (in par with the quality of the saw). Of course I couldn't decline such a generous offer :D

To those of you who thanked me for posting this: you are welcome.
I'm glad I posted this (to prevent others from making the same mistake) and I'm glad sawstop has updated their ZCI package.

I wrote to him I'll spread the word about their good service and I think they deserve it.

Paul Ryan
12-10-2009, 10:46 PM
I have contacted sawstop a few times since I received my field test PCS saw. I contacted for various reasons, from when updates were to be shipped, to very very minor fixes for my saw, and to purchase accessories for my saw. All I can say is the world would be a much happier place if everyone had customer service like they do. I will not name names but it was always a pleasure and they always when above and beyond. I wish I could always deal with them instead of the dealer. But since the saw has been released I must go to the dealer. Sawstop is a class act.

Walt Caza
12-10-2009, 10:48 PM
Good Show Mo,
Bravo all around, and thanks for the update.
With so many companies struggling,
it's good to hear that some are still listening.
Let's hang on to hope,
that some good tool co's can survive and thrive.
play safe,

ps I love my black beauty every day

Harold Burrell
12-10-2009, 11:12 PM
Wow...that is wonderful! I am really happy for you. Congrats to you...AND to SawStop.

Keith Christopher
12-10-2009, 11:38 PM
This is great news. It builds confidence in the company that they stand behind their product. And I would be willing to bet that with increased sales you will see this device begin to make its way into other saws. Now if they can just get the customer service thing to catch on. :eek:

Glad it all worked out and I am also glad you posted about this. even if someone is not affected by this is helps the community as a whole.

This is also a good example as to why we need to register our products it's things like this that get mailed to you when they update and without the information you might never get an update. But in your case it was too new to be registered yet.

glenn bradley
12-11-2009, 12:11 AM
Great CS and a good show all around. Well done.

David DeCristoforo
12-11-2009, 12:15 AM
"...he offered to send me a brake cartridge as well as a blade..."

Not surprising. SS is a really good company. Their customer service track record is as good as their safety record. Glad they took care of you.

Dan Forman
12-11-2009, 2:58 AM
Happy it worked out so well for you.


Kyle Iwamoto
12-11-2009, 3:18 AM
That is WAY cool. They are a nice bunch of folks there. They helped me and answered my questions. I'm really glad you took the time to post and get your lumps....... More glad that everything worked out.

Darrell Bade
12-11-2009, 7:38 AM
I had great service with them the one time I needed them also. My saw quit working. Lights flashing and would not even work in bypass mode. Called and they said a capacitor in the on-off panel probably was bad. They sent me a new part next day air. The most amazing part to me was that they had a label for return of the old part and was very specific about wanting it back to do an analysis and see what failed. As an engineer I was impressed because one thing that irritates me is when companies continue to sell an item that has a problem and never see what they can do to fix the problem and then fix it. We do not need companies like GM that has a service bulletin that covers trucks from 1999 to 2005 that says to put a washer under the cab strap to stop the cab from creaking, just put the washer on at the factory and cure the problem (yes that GM thing is a true story I experienced).

Good job Saw Stop!

John Coloccia
12-11-2009, 7:46 AM
My two dealings with SS customer service both left me feeling very good that I bought a SS. They're right up there with Grizzly.

And now just think what that says about Grizzly. It must be nice being the gold standard, Shiraz, you lucky SOB! (and yes, I know luck had NOTHING to do with it).

Jerome Hanby
12-11-2009, 7:51 AM
You know, another good "safety" feature might be an automatic cut off if the riving knife gets pressure from the wrong direction (down or from the back)...

Mike Delyster
12-11-2009, 9:07 AM
Thats great to hear, especially since you bought the saw used. Way to go SawStop.

Don Morris
12-11-2009, 1:34 PM
I love my 1023LS, but on another post said, if I had unlimited funds, I'd upgrade in a heartbeat to a Sawstop. Sounds like they want to stay in business. Great customer service is one of the best ways to do that. Thanks for the update. Looks like your Happy Holidays have been made.

mreza Salav
12-11-2009, 5:50 PM
Thanks to all,
Yes, SS is a great company (with great product and excellent service).
I think with this incident and post here, 1) many people (particularly myself) won't make the same mistake and 2) people are more aware of the CS of a sawstop.

Have a good holiday