View Full Version : Fine Woodworking On-Line Automatic Renewal

Joe Pack
12-10-2009, 1:00 PM
I just bought my own Christmas gift...a 3 year subscription to Fine Woodworking. I also started to sign up for the on-line service, but stopped when I read the fine print.

According to the terms of agreement, when the one year on-line subscription runs out a subscriber's credit card will automatically be charged for another year of renewal unless the subscriber takes the initiative to cancel by a certain date. I am not comfortable with this, primarily because I went through Hades some time ago trying to cancel a service with just this sort of arrangement. I object to automatic renewals. If I want to renew something, that should be my call, not that of the provider.

Maybe I'm paranoid and tilting at windmills, but this sort of auto-renewal "service" is objectionable to me. I called and have politely informed Taunton Press of my objections to this practice. I was told "...it is set up in the system that way." If it is set up that way, it can be "unset." Supposedly, someone is to call me back. I figure if no one ever objects to a practice, the practice will continue. With time on my hands, I do play Don Quixote every now and then.

Probably my call will be ignored. We'll see.

Off to talk with Sancho Panza for a while...

Rob Fisher
12-10-2009, 1:26 PM
I completely agree with your sentiments about automatic renewal. I despise it as well and almost never sign up for anything that has it.

However I did sign up for the FWW online content. I did it because I have had positive outcomes when dealing with Taunton customer service before. I trust that if I have problems with it I will they will make it right. So far so good.


Chris True
12-10-2009, 1:26 PM
FWIW, they do send you a reminder e-mail 1 month before the renewal takes place with a link to where to go to opt out.

Joe Pack
12-10-2009, 1:34 PM
Much to my surprise, I received a call from Taunton just a few minutes ago. A very nice lady told me that she had forwarded my comments to their IT department along with a question as to whether or not they could make it possible for someone to subscribe to the online version of FW without having the automatic renewal requirement.

While I don't hold out a lot of hope that their policy will change, she did indicate that they take customer concerns seriously, and that if they hear from enough people on particular issues, they do try to please the customer.

Again, I won't hold my breath, but this may be one of those issues where a number of people making their concerns heard might make a difference. Tilting at windmills does sometimes work...or at least make one feel better for a few minutes!

glenn bradley
12-10-2009, 1:35 PM
I understand what Joe and Rob are saying. However, I prefer automated activities of this sort IF I have researched them and am comfortable with how they are handled. Many of these offerings I do not use; many of them I do. FWW is very diligent in notifying me about the automatic renewal with plenty of time to alter it if I so chose.

Dan West02
12-10-2009, 2:16 PM
FWIW, they do send you a reminder e-mail 1 month before the renewal takes place with a link to where to go to opt out.

I would much rather NOT have the automatic renewal and let them send me a reminder e-mail that my subscription is about to expire so that I can renew it IF I choose to do so.

Chris True
12-10-2009, 2:23 PM
Yes, I know but it is not in their business interest. People are much more likel to let it ride another year if they have to do nothing. It is not a small difference!

Jim Eller
12-10-2009, 6:35 PM
I just went through the same crap with XM Radio. I hope their ears are still ringing!

I have had FWW on line for a number of years and have not been on a auto renewal. At least not that I know of. I've always called them with a credit card number or sent them a check. In fact, it lapsed one time because I had forgotten. I got that clue when I tried to log on for a couple of days and couldn't.

I really do like their service. It's always been professional when I've had inquiries.


Peter Quinn
12-10-2009, 8:24 PM
They really do remind you that your renewal is coming in a month and explain clearly how to opt out. They make it simple. And they sent an email the day before they charged me reminding me I would be charged if no action was taken. Many auto renewal services go through no trouble to remind you and hope you might keep paying indefinitely. I can understand your apprehension toward such scenarios and it seems logical they could present auto renewal as an option you can choose or decline when you sign up. It is not a matter of IF they can do it, because clearly they can, it is a simple issue technically. It is a matter of WILL they do it, and if enough people express dismay about the auto renewal they may change the policy.

I for one avoid most auto renewal schemes like the plague, but FWW is presently my one exception.

Alan Schaffter
12-10-2009, 9:40 PM
I learned something today, and dis-enrolled from FWW online!

Awhile ago I submitted an article proposal to FWW. They liked it, said it didn't fit with their current print plans, but said it would be great for their editors blog, but unfortunately would pay nothing. I figured, what the hey, get my foot in the door for future articles. I was unable to view it because my subscription had expired, or so I thought (I later determined that I was using the wrong password), so I emailed the blog editor and asked if they could at least reactivate/extend my online subscription for free since they weren't going to pay me. They said sure.

I thought that was decent of them, especially when my "free subscription" remained active for a second year. After reading this thread, I decided to check my account status- by all indications, since my account showed my credit card number and an upcoming subscription date, I have been paying the entire time. I will check my old credit card statements to verify this if I can. In any case, this is a bad business practice, so I canceled. I get inundated with FWW emails which are mostly book and CD offers, so I rarely pay attention to them. If they sent a renewal notification, I don't remember seeing one.

Has someone sent the link to this thread to FWW? This is the kind of stuff that is read by many and can hurt subscriptions. It is not like FWW doesn't have enough problems already!

Phil Thien
12-10-2009, 10:18 PM
I saw an add from a CC company that had a system to provide one-off numbers to cardholders, so you may run the transaction but when someone like FWW goes to charge a second year, the card will be invalid.

The primary purpose is in dealing with online firms that may be "sketchy."

But I think it may be ideal in cases like this, too.

Apparently all that is required is logging into your account and generating a unique account #.

Steve Roxberg
12-10-2009, 10:45 PM
I wouldn't worry about it sign up, and immediately go in and change the status to not auto-renew, or change the CC information.

Tauton is not a company that you need to worry about.

Matthew Kenney
12-11-2009, 10:06 AM
Steve (and anyone else concerned about this issue):

I can understand your hesitance about automatic renewals. I'm glad that you called our customer service. Taunton is always eager to help our customers and we do the best we can to make them happy. I would suggest to anyone who is unhappy with a Taunton product or has questions about how services like the website are charged to a credit card should call our customer service. We want to know if something is wrong or if our customers are unhappy. And in my experience Taunton will make things right.

One more note in response to Alan's earlier post. The blogs are free content and you do not need a paid membership to read them. If anyone is having trouble reading the blogs (e.g., being prompted to enter an email and password), you can give customer service a call and they'll take care of you.

Finally, it's nice to see that we have happy customers out there.

Good luck and have fun in the shop.

Matt (I'm one of the editors at FWW and a long time member of Sawmill Creek, even though I haven't posted very much)

Michael Drew
12-11-2009, 11:43 AM
Thanks for sharing this.

I find auto renewals frustrating, and often not even known....

It took some effort to stop On-Star and I'm still fighting with Norton's. I cancell just to 'notice' a bill on my CC statement.

I suscribed to FWW on-line, but did not read the fine print. I did not know it was auto. I'll be cancelling it now that I do know.

Alan Schaffter
12-11-2009, 12:04 PM
One more note in response to Alan's earlier post. The blogs are free content and you do not need a paid membership to read them. If anyone is having trouble reading the blogs (e.g., being prompted to enter an email and password), you can give customer service a call and they'll take care of you.

I don't remember the exact content I was trying to access, it may have been the blog I mentioned (my "Over the Top Shop On Top" posted by FWW's David Heim in March 2008 and no longer accessible) or one of my tips that was published in the print FWW, but the issue of automatic renewal still happened. If I didn't need renewal at that time (due to a password problem, etc.) then whoever offered to extend my subscription for free should have told me it was still active AND that it automatically renews. As I said, I don't remember ever receiving an alert about online subscription renewal.

I hate to make comparisons but the content that Chris Schwartz and the folks at PW are providing for free at PW & Woodworking online and through their e-zines, rivals what is available for a fee on the FWW site.

Steve Prill
12-11-2009, 7:25 PM
I have been very pleased with FWW online. I've had it for several years and did stop the automatic renewal once. Worked without a hitch. Six months later I resigned up. I only use the online service and do not subscribe to the printed magazine. The first year I signed up I was blown away by the depth of material available. I read and read and read.... Now days I do occasional searches for info.
