View Full Version : My first bowl...and first turn for that matter

Dave Haughs
12-08-2009, 5:16 PM
Decided I wanted to give turning a try. Went down to my dad's shop this past weekend for a few hours and came home with this :D

Guess I need to buy a lathe now, pretty addicting.





John Keeton
12-08-2009, 5:25 PM
Yep, I would say so!! That is one nice looking piece, and even more so for a first time. And, good choice of wood - just an excellent result.

David E Keller
12-08-2009, 5:27 PM
Nice job... I think I may need to go to your dad's shop and pick up some wood. Looking forward to more turnings from you. Welcome aboard.

Steve Schlumpf
12-08-2009, 5:30 PM
Welcome to the turning side of the Creek!

Really nice looking bowl Dave! Make sure you sign and date it - cause there is only one First! Love the wood!

Bernie Weishapl
12-08-2009, 5:35 PM
Nice looking bowl out of some pretty wood. Like Steve said, Date it, sign it and keep it to compare with a 1 yr or so down the road.

Kenneth Whiting
12-08-2009, 8:50 PM
That's a nice bowl, especially for your first.

Dave Haughs
12-08-2009, 9:19 PM
Thanks for the nice comments. I am very pleased with it. I honestly expected to just have pieces of a bowl from my first turn. Granted I did have a little guidance on what tools to use and how to hold them, but that's it. I've got a lot to learn. The part I thought would be the easiest turned out to be the hardest for me, sanding. I think I thought I knew too much about it so I caused myself some do overs there.

I'd like to turn my wife a candy dish or something similar for Christmas now that I have some practice, hopefully that one ends up a success as well.

I was surprised with the beauty of the wood. The blank I had didn't have as much figuring in it, so I thought I'd end up with something dull, but I didn't pay much for it and I obviously wasn't disappointed. This time I didn't steal wood from his workshop...this time. What goes around comes around though, my daughter got a hold of my glue and was gluing some usable pieces of walnut and maple together yesterday...She was making me a gift.

Anyway, thanks a ton for the comments and for the tip to sign and date it, I would not have done that.

Rob Cunningham
12-09-2009, 8:48 AM
Nice looking bowl and beautiful figure in the wood.

Jim Kountz
12-09-2009, 7:22 PM
Love the grain and the shape is unusual but very nice. Great first bowl!!
Now fire up the plastic and buy yourself a nice lathe and accessories!! Also your table saw is now a workbench, use it wisely!!