View Full Version : Finishing a pen

Mike Minto
12-07-2009, 11:45 AM
I'm making some pens for XMAS presents, and have finished them with lacquer or super glue. To make a durable, glossy finish on a pen, what do you more experienced guys use for finish, and how do you apply it? thanks.

Phil St.Germain
12-07-2009, 12:25 PM

I make 100+ pens a year and what works for me is Medium Super Glue. I apply it directly to the pen and use the bag the kit came in to smooth it out. I sand up to 2000 between coats and then buff the final coat. Sounds like alot of work, but after doing it a few times, you get the process down and it goes very quickly. I just came in from the shop after applying a second coat to four pens. It took less than 10 minutes.


Bernie Weishapl
12-07-2009, 12:55 PM
CA, Enduro or Lacquer. Enduro is from Bear Tooth Woods.

David E Keller
12-07-2009, 5:02 PM
CA finish pretty much the same as Phil. The kit bag trick is a good one to keep from getting sticky fingers. I also use alot less glue that way than by using paper towel.

You might check out the penturners.org website. There are video tutorials in the library section that I've found helpful. There are some beautiful pens posted there daily, and it's also a source for unique pen blanks.

Post some pics here when you get a chance, please.

Dan Forman
12-07-2009, 5:13 PM
If you look up pen finishing on youtube, there are several videos that take you through the CA (super glue) and CA with BLO finishes.

I tend to do about 3 coats between sandings, rather than sand every coat. Generally apply about 6 coats in all, sometimes add one more before final sanding.

If you don't have it already, get yourself a set of Micromesh for fine sanding. The stuff is washable and lasts pretty much forever.


Jim McFarland
12-07-2009, 5:16 PM
My current procedure (I keep trying to make it faster!):

10 coats of medium CA, dripped on top of blank with lathe running at slow speed and smoothed with a Viva paper towel. Cut the finger from an old leather glove to keep CA off your finger. 5 minutes between coats and allow last coat to cure overnight. Lightly sand smooth with 600/1200 grit, then 3200-12000 wet MicroMesh and polish with Novus #2.

Apply CA at or near 70* shop temp if possible -- I gave up applying CA if temp is above 80*. I haven't tried below 60* -- ask again next spring!.

Mark Hix
12-07-2009, 9:26 PM
Not a lot different from the others......CA medium w/ whatever papertowel is on the roll.....gave up the micromesh......try for a nice even finish 6-8 coats...cure between coats for several minutes.......if you have bumps....sand w/ 400 or 600 then buff w/ EEE and White diamond....much faster than micromesh and you can't tell the two apart.

Billy Tallant
12-08-2009, 12:30 AM
I've switched over to the CA/BLO finish. I don't worry about a high glossy finish. I sand to 600 grit. Then clean pen & apply finish. I usually apply 7-10 coats of CA/BLO. No wait time between coats. I use folded blue shop paper towel to apply finish. 1st coat I use large puddle of BLO. 2nd coat, puddle of thin CA. Each additional coat consists of one drop of BLO with puddle of thin CA on top of drop of BLO. I apply by rubbing coat on until shine comes out & then fold paper towel & rub in finish. A couple of seconds later, heat builds up & time to start a new coat. After last coat, I wait a couple of minutes, then assemble pen. Apply Ren wax, & let pen setup. This finish puts a durable coat on pen & leaves a natural shine to pen. I dont sand between coats or after last coat.

If I want a high glossy finish, I use wipe on Poly. May not be the best finish, but this works for me.

Jim---Temp below 45* tonight in shop, turned 4 pens. Applied CA/BLO finish. I couldn't tell the difference from applying this finish with temp above 80*.