View Full Version : Tip O' the Day from the Village Idiot

Rick Potter
12-06-2009, 10:09 PM
This one is so simple and logical that I am sure others have done it, but since I haven't seen it posted I am gonna take credit.

I bought a couple Kreg clamps that have a pad on one side and a peg leg on the other. They are made to hold panels down to face frames while you screw them together. Great tool! You want two.

Anyway I needed more regular Kreg vise grip type clamps for glueing up a face frame. I wanted to hold it down in several spots as I put it together. I started to substitute the peg leg jobs but was worried about putting a divot in the face frame.

Epiphany!! I made a couple 2" X 2" squares out of 3/4" hardwood scraps, drilled 1/2" holes in the middle about 1/4" deep, and presto! Slip the peg leg into the block and you have another large pad clamp.

No hate mail please. I said it was simple.... like me.

Rick Potter

Mitchell Andrus
12-07-2009, 8:45 AM
Peel and stick sandpaper on the face will keep it from slipping.

Patent Pending

Harold Burrell
12-07-2009, 11:09 AM
No hate mail please.

I hate you...for being so smart. ;)

Seriously, thank you for the tip. It is often those "simple" things that are indeed the most useful (especially for us newbies).

I also appreciate the sandpaper tip, Mitchell.

harry strasil
12-07-2009, 11:18 AM
glue a short piece of clear plastic or rubber hose in a hole and slip the hose over the stub end and presto another floppy end on the grips that you don't need to look all over for or need another hand to position the new pad.

Mitchell Andrus
12-07-2009, 11:41 AM
Velcro the pad to the side of the clamp. No searching, it's right there when you need it.

Rick Potter
12-07-2009, 7:20 PM
Mitchell, funny you say that. All my jigs are marked 'Acme..pat. pend.'.
I grew up on Roadrunner cartoons.

Harry, sorry, I don't get it. Probably another senior moment. Could you explain that again?

Rick Potter

Jim Heffner
12-13-2009, 12:11 AM
You could cut some small squares or whatever shape you need from some old computer mouse pads, glue them to the clamps and not worry about the clamps leaving a bitemark on your project.