View Full Version : Stand for Delta 46-460 Midi Lathe?

Ned Ladner
12-06-2009, 12:31 PM
I'm purchasing a Delta 46-460 along with the lathe extension. Has anyone with this lathe or lathe plus extension purchased the associated Delta lathe stand (or stand with stand extension)? If so, what are your opinions? I'm not sure if the Delta stand offers any added stability to the lathe since I haven't been able to find weight specifications for the stand and it appears fairly light.

Would I be better served by purchasing or building a wooden storage-type cabinet to serve as a stand? I have a small shop so additional storage is always a plus, especially when the storage can be located in otherwise wasted space under the lathe.

I would appreciate your experiences and opinions.

Jeff Nicol
12-06-2009, 12:44 PM
I was in Duluth MN yesterday for a wedding and on the way to the church I saw an ACME tool store! They were having a big sale with a bunch of demos from many manufacturers. Delta was there showing the lathe you are interested in and I was very tempted to buy one on the spot! It was 10% off and I was very impressed with the stand lathe and everything! It is one of the quietest lathes I have seen and very stable. It did not have the bed extension on it, but all around nice piece of equipment. The only thing I would have done different is put the VS control in the front somewhere and not on the top back of the headstock. The reverse is a definite selling point and I think anyone who purchases one will be happy.

I also saw one of the general lathes that is a 16" swing and I believe 42" spindle length. Very well built w/sliding-pivoting headstock great stand and electronic VS 1 1/2 hp motor. It was just under $2000 and I was in heaven looking at all the General, Powermatic, Jet, Delta and many more power tool lines! I think If I would have had my truck it would have had some new tools in it, also a unhappy wife in the passenger seat! So I got a couple of bar clamps and some files for my chain saws.

Good luck on the decision on the Delta,


Dan Forman
12-06-2009, 4:47 PM
Only a guess because I haven't seen the stand, but I think you would be better served with a cabinet for storage, given you small quarters. I'd build the cabinet very stoutly, and with some sand ballast at the top, rather than the bottom - it's supposed to be more effective at reducing vibration when near the center of gravity. To put that another way, you want the center of gravity to be as near to the spindle as possible.


Bill Blasic
12-07-2009, 6:31 AM
I was going to build a stand for my 46-460 until I saw the stand at Woodcraft in Cleveland. The stand is not only very stable but it is also has tool holders built in and looks very nice also. I've been doing lots of hollowing with this setup and like I said a very stable platform.

Bill Bulloch
12-07-2009, 8:54 AM
When I bought my Delta 46-460, no extension, about two months ago, I tried to buy the stand, but was told that the new one was not available yet. I have since saw it listed for $129, but can't remember where. I have mine mounted on my work bench and sort of like it that way, so I probably will not buy the stand now.