View Full Version : Dallas BBQ

Steve Jenkins
10-05-2004, 6:00 AM
We are coming up on the weekend of the 23rd pretty quickly so thought I'd better get out another notice.

For those that haven't heard, we are getting together here in Dallas on the weekend of Oct. 23,24 for a bbq and tool swap/sell, and just general visit'n. It will be at my shop.

Anyone wanting to come on Fri. and Sunday is welcome although in the past most of the activity has been on Sat. We will have some demos and give-aways. Dinner will be at around 2:00 on Sat. afternoon and is kind of a potluck except for the main course which is pulled pork. Stephen Stokes ( coming from Maine) and his brother will be cooking a whole pig on site and believe me it is delicious. I know we have some travelers coming, Wa.State, Maine, Ar. Ok. If you can't bring a dish don't worry about it there is always plenty to eat. I generally collect a small amount for everyone to help defray the cost of the pig. Sorry I can't just put it out there.

If you want to demo something or have a favorite tip or jig you want to show by all means do so. We will have a show and tell table set up also so bring anything you want to show off.
Generally, like all the others around the country, there is a fair amount of turning going on. If you want to bring a lathe that's fine. we can find a spot to set it up.
If you have a favorite chair you might want to toss it in the car.Being at my shop there is no grass to lounge on and the concrete gets a bit hard after awhile.

Come early, Stay late. The food is great, the fellowship is great, the jokes are...well...:>)

Steve Jenkins
Furniture Crafters
11455 Newkirk St. # 1402
Dallas, TX. 75229
972 247-9086
877 508-7153 toll free.