View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
12-04-2009, 9:35 AM
Friday December 4, 2009


I think winter has finally come to this part of Wisconsin after a very mild November. We've had a dusting of snow overnight, while some areas have gotten as much as 5". :eek: And it's cold. 20 degrees this morning with a stiff breeze. BRRRRRR!!!!!

Nothing on the agenda for me this weekend except taking care of my mom. She's been sick for almost 3 weeks now and has been in the hospital since Monday. I think she'll be able to come home today, but not sure just yet. She's had a terrible cough and that's what got her in the hospital. Preliminary tests for H1N1 were negative and it's not really pnuemonia, but very close.

So what's up in your neck of the woods? Hopefully you'll have a great weekend whatever you do. Please be SAFE.


Ken Fitzgerald
12-04-2009, 10:05 AM
Our oldest grandson, wife and 4 month old great-grandson are in nearby Goldendale, WA. The LOML and I have taken some time off and we are going over to hold the little guy while he's still a little guy.