View Full Version : First Blood

Wade Samuelson
10-05-2004, 12:55 AM
Well, I spilled my first blood in my woodshop Saturday. That only took about a month. A router bit was stuck in the box. I yanked. It came free and I cut the index finger on the bit next to it. Nothing tragic, just a nice slice.

I'm treating it as a pretty cheap lesson to be careful! I'm going to put up a sign that says "This shop has been accident free since October 2, 2004."

Hopefully the date will never change!!

Norman Hitt
10-05-2004, 2:00 AM
You're a quick learner Wade. I had to do that twice before I learned to wrap a shop rag around a bit before removing it from a box or tight holder.

"Haste Wastes blood". Norm

mike lucas
10-05-2004, 8:37 AM
Well, I spilled my first blood in my woodshop Saturday. That only took about a month. A router bit was stuck in the box. I yanked. It came free and I cut the index finger on the bit next to it. Nothing tragic, just a nice slice.

I'm treating it as a pretty cheap lesson to be careful! I'm going to put up a sign that says "This shop has been accident free since October 2, 2004."

Hopefully the date will never change!! I have had my share of little nicks and cuts. But I have never yanked on a router bit. (I guess I always knew better then to play around with very sharp edges.) But it does sound fun, maybe I'll try it some day!:eek:

Chip Wright
10-05-2004, 11:11 AM
Sorry to hear about the cut, but the sign idea is a great one.

Dan Gill
10-05-2004, 12:12 PM
When I was first putting my shop together, I managed to cut my hand on a router bit. Being colorblind, I asked my daughter to help me pick out the color for my cabinets. She picked red, "so the blood won't show." Thanks, kid.

Greg Tatum
10-05-2004, 2:43 PM
Use that finger to turn on your tools and remind yourself to keep it safe......OT, can you see the latest ash plume from where you are? If I get on the roof I can see it :cool:


Tom LaRussa
10-05-2004, 4:56 PM
A router bit was stuck in the box. I yanked. It came free and I cut the index finger on the bit next to it.
The bit next to it has an index finger? :eek:

That's one weird router bit. :p

Peter Dufresne
10-05-2004, 5:04 PM
I think I'll post a sign like that as well. Great Reminder about being safe

Sam Chambers
10-05-2004, 6:12 PM
Wade, I did exactly the same thing myself. I was really amazed how sharp a brand new, solid carbide spiral bit is!

mike lucas
10-07-2004, 12:06 AM
Well, I spilled my first blood in my woodshop Saturday. That only took about a month. A router bit was stuck in the box. I yanked. It came free and I cut the index finger on the bit next to it. Nothing tragic, just a nice slice.

I'm treating it as a pretty cheap lesson to be careful! I'm going to put up a sign that says "This shop has been accident free since October 2, 2004."

Hopefully the date will never change!! Maybe it is time for Jeff Foxworthy (Spelling?) to hand you a sign:D

Dave Shaffer
10-07-2004, 12:10 AM
At least ya didnt try to brush chips off your router table while the bit was still sticking up. :eek:

Chris Padilla
10-07-2004, 1:42 PM
Pics!!! :D Blood and Gore are good reminders for us. Print the pic for yourself and put it on the wall. :D

Wade Samuelson
10-07-2004, 6:55 PM
I think it's too late for a pic--it's sealed up pretty good. There's only a little dark spot to show that I even had anything wrong. I'd get laughed out of the room if I posted a pic of it today!

I did get my sign up. I have 4 little dry-erase boards on the freezer and made one of them my sign. My wife saw it and said "Hmmm....that'll work good for you. It's easy to erase for next time." No malice in her voice. She was just thinking out loud. She then got out a pack of hamburger and left me to my devices. I couldn't help but laugh.

Joe Scarfo
10-07-2004, 11:46 PM
I almost lost a finger to a router in the shop last night... I felt the bit just skimming past my pinky. It was wierd feeling the cutters just skimming along the skin. Why the finger is still there ... i don't know. nary a drop of blood.

I was using a trim router that doesn't have a shield and my pinky just slid into the gap.

Don't think I don't know I'm a lucky guy.

I strong suggest anyone not totally focused on what's happening in the shop to avoid going out there.

Good Luck
Joe in Tampa...