View Full Version : Wood Sealer

Jon Finch
12-03-2009, 5:37 PM
Another newbie question.

I need some wood sealer tonight for some logs I plan to turn. I can stop by Woodcraft and get Anchorseal or Craft Supplies and get their "Wood Sealer". Are these all the same? Or is there a best one?

Bernie Weishapl
12-03-2009, 5:38 PM
I use anchorseal but both are about one and the same. Either will do the job.

Steve Schlumpf
12-03-2009, 6:11 PM
Jon - pretty much the same stuff - so go with which ever is cheaper cause you will go through it!

Bill Bolen
12-03-2009, 8:21 PM
As long as they understand you are talking about end grain sealer and not some sort of sanding sealer. The wife was out running errands and sweetly agreed to pick up some sealer for me. I wanted end grain sealer she brought home sanding sealer......Makes me wonder if there is a project lurking in my future...Bill..

Nathan Hawkes
12-03-2009, 9:09 PM
Log sealing products are basically the same thing. I've used a couple different off brands, and they performed equally with AnchorSeal, whom I believe is the originator of the product, but I may be wrong here. At any rate, what they all are is a paraffin emulsion in water, or in the case of the "winterized" versions, a mix of water + glycol and paraffin wax. If the non winterized versions freeze, they separate, and you cannot, repeat cannot get them to go back into the original emulsion. I use the winterized formula, which is much runnier, but works every bit as well. Your best bet, if you've entered the vortex, is to go to UC Coatings' website, http://www.uccoatings.com/ , and get a bucket of it direct from them. Surprisingly, they are right on par price wise with all the generic versions. You will use all of it eventually, and its cheaper to pay up front than need it and end up with severely checked blanks!!

Jon Finch
12-03-2009, 9:34 PM
Thanks everyone for the opinions. The stuff from Craft Supplies is cheaper, but it was an additional 30 min drive so I stopped by Woodcraft and got the anchorseal. Hopefully I'll need it tomorrow :)

Sid Matheny
12-03-2009, 9:41 PM
I use melted paraffin most of the time. I heat it up in an old deep frier the wife was about to trash to melt it and brush it on, wait a few minutes and apply another coat. Cheaper than anchorseal or the other sealers but more work. Yeah everyone knows I'm on the cheap side.:o


Jeff Brockett
12-03-2009, 10:55 PM
The anchorseal works best. You can buy direct from the manufacturer and save some money. A few of us just shared a 55 gallon barrel and the end cost was $7.00 a gallon!