View Full Version : Littlest Angel Ornament

Steve Schlumpf
12-01-2009, 3:13 PM
Curly Birdseye Maple, 1 ½” high x 1 3/8” diameter, base hollowed out to 1/16”, sanded to 400, lacquer finish and a small feather to complete the look. In case you are wondering - I did not paint eyes on the Angel - it's all natural.


As always, your opinions, comments and critiques are welcome!

Thanks for looking!

Belinda Barfield
12-01-2009, 3:16 PM
I just love this little angel Steve! That is so cute! :)

John Keeton
12-01-2009, 3:47 PM
In case you are wondering - I did not paint eyes on the Angel - it's all natural.Evidence of a heavenly piece of wood!:D That is really neat, and 1/16"!!! Wow!

Rob Cunningham
12-01-2009, 6:00 PM
That's really cool Steve. As John said " 1/16" !!! Wow"

Jamie Straw
12-01-2009, 6:40 PM
It's adorable, Steve. Might you tell us more about the feather? How it's applied, where you got such a fluffy feather. I've not seen them at Michael's.;)

Jeff Nicol
12-01-2009, 8:00 PM
Steve, I must say that is a very cute little ornament! Your talents and sincere heart show in all you do! I may have to steal your idea and run with it and see what I can come up with.


David E Keller
12-01-2009, 9:12 PM
Very cute little ornament... Great way to use pretty little scraps of wood. I know I'm not the only one with a box(ok... More than one box) of cutoffs that I refuse to burn because the wood is too pretty. Thanks for posting

Curt Fuller
12-01-2009, 9:31 PM
I agree with all of the above. Very ingenious adding the feather too.

Richard Madison
12-02-2009, 1:03 AM
Must be light as a feather, well maybe two feathers. Very nice.