View Full Version : Lacquer over varnish?

Dan Forman
12-01-2009, 5:56 AM
Can I use rattle can lacquer over one coat of wiped on varnish? If so, how long should I wait? Thanks,


Jeff Nicol
12-01-2009, 6:37 AM
Dan, If the varnish you are using is a polyurethane based, it might wrinkle the finish underneath if the coating is thick enough. Take a piece of scrap and put the wipe on finish let it dry and then do a test to make sure. I have used Anitque oil, and shellac and all the danish and tung oil finishes without any trouble, but only one or two coats so there is no film build up.


Dan Forman
12-01-2009, 4:33 PM
One coat of wiped on Waterlox.


David Reed
12-01-2009, 5:14 PM
When I apply finishes over a different type, I spray the secondary coat very light so it dries very quickly. Build up a few layers like this then there is usually no problem.

David Walser
12-01-2009, 7:45 PM

Some types of lacquer are incompatible with some types of varnish. However, shellac goes with everything. So, unless you know that the lacquer and varnish are compatible (a question a good supplier should be able to answer for you), the safe approach is to bridge the two by applying a coat of shellac between the varnish and the lacquer. (The shellac will stick to the varnish without problem and the lacquer will stick to the shellac.)

HTH, good luck!

Kyle Iwamoto
12-01-2009, 8:33 PM
I've sprayed Deft in a rattle can on quite a few oils, and have no problems, it probably works on a poly. BUT, oils look so much better.... We have wood here that oils just do not dry on. So I hit it with the Deft.

Dan Forman
12-01-2009, 11:47 PM
I think I'll just keep going with the Waterlox on these. thanks for the advice.
