View Full Version : Grizzly DISAPPOINTMENT - G0472

Gary Click
11-29-2009, 3:54 PM
This is slightly off topic but I want to express my diappointment with this tool in hopes of giving others a heads up.

This is a Sandblast Cabinet that I purchased to prep parts for Powder Coating. I have found Powder Coating to be the answer to my prayers for finishing metal parts of all descriptions.

Based upon experiences with Grizzly tools in the past, which have all been very good, I went straight to them for the Cabinet. This was a real mistake. After the Cabinet arrived, I started to assemble it and ran in a variety of issues.

The instructions are inadequate and inaccurate. For example they call for bolting the legs to the base frame with 12 screws when there are only eight holes and these eight holes are later used to assemble the cabinet to the base, the instruction again calling for 12 screws when there are now 14 holes. Assembly of the various plugs covers and attachment I persume for a vacuum or dust collector are not even covered. Grizzly also supplies two rolls of closed cell foam to seal the bottom of the cabinet but the instructions do not clearly show where it is placed. After the first assembly I found the bottm hopper to be loose in the frame and not sealed. Believe me this is not something that you can tolerate in a sandblast cabinet. I had to purchase two more rolls of foam seal and reassemble the unit with the foam to get a tight seal between the hopper and base.

Additionally the legs and leg attachment are completely inadequate to support the cabinet with it's 2 screws per leg in the outside edges of the leg flange. The cabinet weighs 100# or so and contains another 50# or so of abrasive. The assembly result is a wobbly, shaky cabinet that is in danger of collapse if bumped or when you pull your arms frm the sleeves. I have had to reinforce the legs with a welded angle iron ring bolted to the inside of the legs. This gives the cabinet some stability but the legs will have to be further reinforced to allow the cabinet to be mounted on wheels (not suggested or implied by Grizzly but important to me). I will likely also tack weld the legs to the cabinet base.

The sand blast gun is a cheap affair but expected and comparible to other units in this price range. The caninet works okay after spending WAY TOO MUCH TIME assembling, modifing and reinforcing the stang and legs.

I am disappointed as you can likely tell and feel that this unit was not up to the standard I had expected from Grizzly. I wish now I had shopped around even if the cabinet had been much more expensive. This was NOT a bargain! I will want to see future Grizzly products in person before buying them.

Gary Click

Mitchell Andrus
11-29-2009, 5:51 PM
Sounds like Grizzly subs out this unit and the sub likely changes it a bit between production runs. This isn't that uncommon with items that sell in low quantities.

Dave Lehnert
11-29-2009, 6:20 PM
Thanks for the info.

Here is a like unit from Harbor Freight. Look like it has support to the legs like you needed to fab yourself. On sale for $219


Gary Click
11-30-2009, 12:20 AM
Exactly, what the unit needs. Other than that and the work light is external they are pretty much the same except the HF is much cheaper.
