View Full Version : Creeker Generosity and Visit.

gary Zimmel
11-28-2009, 3:04 PM
This morning I had the pleasure of meeting fellow Creeker Mike Golka.
Mike came over to my shop bearing presents...

Two big chunks of Manitoba Maple with some flame in it.
14-16 inches in diameter..
I joked with Mike thats what we use in our fire pit on the acreage.


Now to seal them and put them in my shop so I can figure out what to do with them.
For me these are big chunks of wood...

Mike also brought along his last segmented vase.
The pics on the Creek don't give it justice.
That is one be beautiful turning.

Thanks again Mike it was a pleasure to meet you.
And until next time.


Steve Schlumpf
11-28-2009, 3:25 PM
Gary - always glad to hear when fellow Creekers get together! Sounds like you had fun! Congrats on the maple! Looks like it has some nice color to it! Looking forward to seeing what you turn out of it!

Ken Fitzgerald
11-28-2009, 3:38 PM
Congrats Gary and Mike! I have yet to hear of a Creeker gathering that wasn't something to be relished!

Bernie Weishapl
11-29-2009, 12:05 AM
Congrats on the wood and it is always nice to visit with other Creekers. Sounds like a lot of fun was had.

John Keeton
11-29-2009, 6:23 AM
Great visit, Gary, and that wood sure was cheaper than the $50 small bowl blanks you bought!!

Mike Golka
11-29-2009, 10:46 AM
Gary the pleasure was all mine, any time I can aide a fellow Creeker deeper into the abyss:D. And buddy, it was all I could do to keep from drooling all over your shop floor. That is one sweet set up you have there. Now to get you started on segmenting:rolleyes: