View Full Version : Please Help With Wood ID

Keith Starosta
11-28-2009, 1:33 PM
Howdy, Folks! I stumbled across a workable piece of wood this weekend, but am not sure what it is. I have a few ideas, but was hoping for some help. I'll hold off on saying how much I paid for it, until I know what I've got. :rolleyes:

The slab is 9/4, and is 71"x21".


- Keith

george wilson
11-28-2009, 1:56 PM
Unless it is a color made by the lighting,the board looks pressure treated. In which case,it would be miserable to try to carve or chisel.

Maurice Ungaro
11-28-2009, 1:58 PM
Looks like knotty pine.

Ed Rosen
11-28-2009, 2:04 PM
I was going to say it looks like pine or possibly fir - is it pretty soft if you dig your nail into it?

Neal Clayton
11-28-2009, 2:30 PM
yellow pine or douglas fir, pretty similar trees.

Cody Colston
11-28-2009, 2:35 PM
I'd guess Pine but possibly Cypress, too.

David DeCristoforo
11-28-2009, 2:50 PM
I'm with George. Pressure treated fir.

Keith Starosta
11-28-2009, 3:18 PM
Thanks for all of the responses, guys! I took the pictures in the shade, and didn't bother to deal with the flash. It is definitely NOT pressure treated, but I would agree with it being Fir.

We went to a Christmas tree farm yesterday near my in-laws place. Whenever we go to places like that, I'm always looking around in corners, up in rafters, or any other dusty spot nobody else cares about. In the barn rafters, about 14 feet up, was this slab. It was dark and dirty, but I was intrigued anyway. I tracked down the owner and asked him if he was interested in getting rid of it. He asked if we were buying a tree, and I told him we were getting two of them. He through in the slab for nuthin'! :D ;)

So, 23 board feet of fir/pine for nuthin'. Not too bad, I guess... :o

- Keith

Dave Loebach
11-28-2009, 6:40 PM
I agree with the others in that it looks like pine to me, but based on the clsoeness of the grow rings, it might be the "old growth" pine. The old growth stuff is far better looking that todays rapid growth trees.

Paul Atkins
11-29-2009, 12:43 AM
Looks like 'hemfir' or hemlock to me.

Danny Hamsley
11-29-2009, 1:39 AM
Definitely a softwood. Could be white pine. Could be fir. If it is pine, it will have resin canals if you look at a close up of the end grain, fir will have none.