View Full Version : *very* close call

Cliff Holmes
11-27-2009, 10:02 PM
Tonight my wife was helping me handle ripping some plywood for my new miter saw station. She was very tired and during a break she went and sat down on the floor against the wall, since my "thinking chair" was covered in some tools.

At that point I realized that if she turned her head to the right she would see this :eek: so I quickly cleaned off and offered my chair for her ...

JohnT Fitzgerald
11-27-2009, 10:04 PM
Yikes!! That *is* a close call!!!

Ken Fitzgerald
11-27-2009, 10:05 PM
Paint the shop Mustard Yellow and unpack it. It'll be camoflauged and she'll never see it.

Of course, if you'll pay the shipping I'll bet there are a lot of volunteers that will hide it for you.:rolleyes:

Steve Schlumpf
11-27-2009, 10:15 PM
Cliff - at least you didn't panic! My wife can read me like an old comic book and any deviation from my norm really stands out to her!

Congrats on being able to keep things hidden this long!!!

George Morris
11-27-2009, 10:36 PM
If you pull this off you are a better man the me! I would have had to tell all! Good luck! G

Bernie Weishapl
11-27-2009, 10:48 PM
Cliff you are better man than I. After 42 yrs the LOML reads me like a book. There would be no way I could have gotten away with something like that for this long.:D

Bob Borzelleri
11-27-2009, 10:53 PM
I thought I posted the definitive resolution to this dilemma. As it turned out, I must have hit something other than "Submit" so here it is again.

All of the following presupposes that the currently (not very well) hidden box is in or close to a garage. It would help if you can get your wife to take a day off and go off with the girls.

Wrap the box in typical Christmas paper and put a bow on it. Don't make it a big bow because that will get in the way of the next step.

Get another box and cover the 1st box with it. Wrap it and do another bow (flat again). Keep this up until the last box is about the size of a Toyota Prius. Finally do the last wrap and put a large fluffy bow on it. Make sure that it is in a parking space in the garage. Act innocent and pretend it isn't there. If she already has a new car, box and wrap it in the size of a Harley. If she already has a Harley, well... you get the point.

Cliff Holmes
11-27-2009, 10:54 PM
I think the hardest part has been resisting the urge to open it up and play with it. I did fondle the chuck ... just a little ...

Ron Lynch
11-27-2009, 11:00 PM
What did Chuck have to say about that?

Cliff Holmes
11-27-2009, 11:06 PM
... Get another box and cover the 1st box with it. Wrap it and do another bow (flat again). Keep this up until the last box is about the size of a Toyota Prius ...

Well, that wouldn't work for a couple reasons. First of all, despite having a 2100 sf garage/workshop, it's stuffed to the gills and there'd be no room.

Second, she *knows* I'd never think about spending that kind of money without talking with her. We rarely even give each other Christmas gifts (or anniversary, birthday, etc). The most expensive gift I ever got her was a diploma from the Vulcan Science Academy signed by Leonard Nimoy (she's a nerd, too).

If I came up with something that might be a car, she'd know it was anything but a car. I bet it would take her just a few minute to figure out it was a lathe, she's a nerd but she's wicked-smart.

Alan Zenreich
11-28-2009, 7:28 AM
And you still believe she doesn't know about it eh? If you think it's hard keeping your secret, imagine how tough it is for her to let you think you have a secret. <vbg>

Jeff Nicol
11-28-2009, 8:52 AM
I can feel your heart pounding from here! Those near disasters are tough on the old ticker! But your quick confidence and compassion for her so she would not have to sit on the floor was quick thinking! I am not sure you will last until the big day but, if a few prayers are said and the force is with you, all will work out great. That is if she already has not figured it out and is just playing along with you.......You said wicked smart, correct, that means she already has a shippment of new tools and wood on the way for Christmas day!!! You will have to get it set up and ready to run, because she will be chomping at the bit to get turning on her new Mustard Monster!

Good luck and stay calm,


Bill Bulloch
11-28-2009, 9:23 AM
Hard to fool a wife when it comes to things like this, and most are good actors....I bet she knows.

Dennis McGarry
11-28-2009, 10:19 AM
If she is anything like mine, she not only knows, but picked that ONE place to sit down, knowing full well what was just to her right, just to see the reaction you have.

In any event, it is going to be a great day in your household...


Heather Thompson
11-28-2009, 10:28 AM
If she is anything like mine, she not only knows, but picked that ONE place to sit down, knowing full well what was just to her right, just to see the reaction you have.

In any event, it is going to be a great day in your household...


Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner here, give that man a prize.

Heather :D

Bill Bolen
11-28-2009, 1:09 PM
I'm stunned that she has not found it yet....or has that secerative persona wife found out but would never tell??..Bill..

Bob Borzelleri
11-28-2009, 6:19 PM
I don't think she knows about the lathe. Not when she is obviously expecting a Prius. :cool: My guess is that she is secretly hoping that you break from tradition and buy her a "green" mode of transportation. :rolleyes:

Jason Roehl
11-29-2009, 5:22 PM
She's probably already opened it, used it, cleaned it and re-packed it while you weren't around.

gary Zimmel
11-29-2009, 5:48 PM
Just to be on the safe side Cliff you may want to pick up some more lathe toys...
After your wife finds this present she will most likely stop looking for anything else....
If she doesn't find the mustard monster you have her next birthday covered.:D

Gary Herrmann
11-29-2009, 6:17 PM
My wife is a neander and a carver, so I have a much easier time hiding gifts from her.

Get some old newspapers and half paint some chunk of wood - and say you're making a jig (only) if she asks. Cover the box with newspapers and put the half painted item on top next to the paint.

The wife is easy, but I have a 9 year old that has his mother's intellect and his father's deviousness.

Cliff Holmes
11-30-2009, 1:21 PM
Well, turns out I'm still OK. My daughter drew my wife into a conversation about Christmas gifts, what I might like for Christmas, and what she was going to get for me. She basically said "I don't know, we normally don't do gifts. He's gotten me something this year, but I have no idea what it is. All I know is that it's a little large, but he didn't spend much".


Cliff Holmes
11-30-2009, 5:52 PM
Not when she is obviously expecting a Prius

No, she know that about the last thing I'd ever buy her (or that she'd want) is a "hippie-mobile"

Dennis McGarry
11-30-2009, 5:56 PM
Well, turns out I'm still OK. My daughter drew my wife into a conversation about Christmas gifts, what I might like for Christmas, and what she was going to get for me. She basically said "I don't know, we normally don't do gifts. He's gotten me something this year, but I have no idea what it is. All I know is that it's a little large, but he didn't spend much".


She knows, plain and simple. I dont know women that much, but what I do know tells me she is being nice. rather large, dont normally exchange? Yup she knows, just doesnt want to spoil it.

You didnt by chance use a joint account to pay for it did you?

Cliff Holmes
12-01-2009, 1:49 PM
No, she doesn't know. *I* told her those things. My wife is not the devious, manipulative type.

Matt Sollars
12-01-2009, 1:54 PM
I think they're all the devious, manipulative type....

...either some of 'them' hide it better than others...

..or some of 'us' are dumber than others....

(my situation is a pretty decent combination of both, I'd say)


ps. awesome present by the way.