View Full Version : Wooden Hats

Matt Evans
11-27-2009, 8:02 PM
(This one might be better in the Off -Topic Forum. Feel free to move it if it does)

So, I saw the turned hats a while back, and was, I must admit, both intrigued and a little appalled. "Why?" I asked. Then I remembered. Even I make things, just because I can. SO, now I have a strange fascination with these things.

That being said, once again my wife has posted something of interest on her site, today's feature being wooden hats.


I am still not sure I will ever make one, but man are they a great time killer to look for!

George Morris
11-27-2009, 10:41 PM
Kool hat blog your better half has! Now go and turn a hat! G

Matt Evans
11-27-2009, 10:50 PM
I have to figure out the best way to turn a hollow form first!