View Full Version : Veneer storage

Jim Tobias
10-03-2004, 7:47 PM
I am attempting to learn how to vacuum press some veneers and have bought a few veneer strips (7-8" wide and probably 7' long). Wht is the best way to store them. I believe they should be stored flat, but wondered if it helps or hurts to keep them flattened (between boards or 2 strips of MDF)?
Also, are there moisture considerations (store in plastic, etc.)?


Roger Barga
10-03-2004, 10:12 PM
Hi Jim,

It's best to keep your veneer flat with weight on top, so your suggestion to store it between two sheets of MDF is ideal. I've been told one should not store veneer rolled up for prolonged periods of time. I usually keep my stacks of veneer in the garage or inside under the bed in the spare room. However, I store my smaller (less than 30") pieces and bundles of burl in plastic storage containers that I pick up from Home Depot/Lowes; burl seems more prone to buckle and this seems to slow down/prevent the process. Hope you enjoy veneering and feel free to ask questions as you go.


Jim Tobias
10-03-2004, 11:38 PM
Thanks for the feedback Roger. Now, I just need to to put up a couple of long shelves for the long sheets of veneer and go buy a couple of plastic storage containers.
