View Full Version : Mustang Grape Wood

Billy Tallant
11-26-2009, 4:00 AM
Has anyone turned Mustang Grape wood? Or called Muscadine? My dad has just cut down all of his grape vines. Lot of arm size pieces in the stack. Was wondering if it was worth turning?

charlie knighton
11-26-2009, 5:42 AM
i have not tried it

english yew is a vine, ya might try making some xmas ornaments with different finishes,

Steve Schlumpf
11-26-2009, 7:59 AM
Give it a shot Billy! You just might find your new favorite turning wood!

Bill Bulloch
11-26-2009, 8:13 AM
Give us an updated report after you give it a try. Probably smells nice.

Jeff Nicol
11-26-2009, 9:00 AM
Billy, I have found that some of the slow growing smaller vines and shrubs have some wonderful colors and grain in them! The are most always pertty dense and turn very nice! I have been turning some Buckthorn a lot lately and the color and density of the wood is something else! It only gets about 20' tall and maybe 4"-5" in diameter and has some cherry like fruit on it. But like all the fruit type trees it will crack along the length very easy. I am making some ornaments today out of it and just love it!

Give the grape a try, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain!

Happy Thanksgiving,


Cody Colston
11-26-2009, 10:09 AM
I've never tried turning it but I've smoked it as a kid...sure does burn the throat, too. :D

David Christopher
11-26-2009, 10:50 AM
Billy, it turns really nice but it cracks really bad....I had a pretty good bit of it and every piece would crack before I got it off the lathe.......hope yours turns out better
BTW the wood is beautiful

Bernie Weishapl
11-26-2009, 12:23 PM
I turned some Billy and had the same problem as David did. I couldn't even get it off the lathe before it cracked. Give it a go Billy you may have better luck besides it is free so if it doesn't work nothing lost but time.:D

Billy Tallant
11-26-2009, 11:47 PM
Thanks for all of the comments... I believe in the morning I will go get some grapevine & start letting it dry out.

Dolan Brown
11-27-2009, 10:53 PM
I have turned a couple of pens and some bottle stoppers from grape vine. It has some nice grain. It makes a really pretty pen. BUT it is very difficult to get it to dry without it splitting. I didn't have any to split on the lathe after it had dried but it split bad as it was drying. I am trying to dry some more now by covering the pieces with sealer and then storing them in a brown paper bag filled with wood shavings .

Good luck.

Kelvin Burton
04-20-2011, 1:17 AM
Thanks for all of the comments... I believe in the morning I will go get some grapevine & start letting it dry out.

Billy, how did it work out? I just got some this weekend along with a great big burl part way along the vine.


Chip Sutherland
04-20-2011, 10:12 AM
Muscadine grapes make yummy jelly. I once told that any wood that can spin is good turning wood.

Fred Belknap
04-20-2011, 12:28 PM
I made a toothpick holder out of a piece of wild grape vine. I really like it but it will crack in a heart beat. I drilled it out while it was kinda green and then again after it had dried. I think I got a picture.