View Full Version : Very first turning

Mike Moffitt
11-26-2009, 1:39 AM
These are my very first turnings ever! I know they are nothing big, but these are the types of projects I like.

Here's a little info:

Left: First thing I did. Used Slimline pen kit and wood blank bought from Woodcraft. Learned a lot, like if I'm going to make the bottom thick, do it higher, it didn't fit my girly hands very well.

Right: Second project. Used Slimline pen kit and acrylic blank bought from Woodcraft. Learned I needed my sharpest tools for acrylic. Blew out on one of the edges but was able to use CA glue and ground up acrylic to fill, then hid behind the clip.

Middle: Third project...a perfume holder. Used a kit from a friend, cut my own blank from scrap walnut, and used a scrap left-over piece of acrylic from the green pen. Another blowout on the edge of the acrylic...another fill job that doesn't look too bad.

Anyone have suggestions on how I can keep the Acrylic from chipping at the edge? I've done two piece of acrylic and both chipped...Anyway, that's my days work. I welcome any suggestions.


Steve Schlumpf
11-26-2009, 8:11 AM
Mike - Welcome to the Turning side of the Creek! Nice work! I can see your forms improving with each turning - keep it up! I have yet to turn a pen - so can't offer any advice on what to do to prevent blowouts. I'm sure someone here will be able to offer suggestions as we have a lot of really good pen turners!

Welcome! Looking forward to seeing what you turn next!

Jeff Nicol
11-26-2009, 9:02 AM
Welcome the spinny world of SMC! Everyone has to start somewhere when the begin turning and pens are a good place to do it! The fun of learning technique and the tools is what brings us farther into the vortex, and soon you will be living the turning life! Keep at it and always have fun!

Happy Thanksgiving,


Sid Matheny
11-26-2009, 10:25 AM
I have turned several Acrylic pens and the only thing I can say is sharp tools and light cuts. The best thing about Acrylic is the easy finishing.


David Christopher
11-26-2009, 10:33 AM
I have turned several Acrylic pens and the only thing I can say is sharp tools and light cuts. The best thing about Acrylic is the easy finishing.


the only thing I would add is make sure to use high RPMs, the faster the lathe spins the less likely for blow outs......BTW welcome to the spinny side

Ken Fitzgerald
11-26-2009, 11:09 AM
Welcome to the Vortex Mike!

Sharp tools and light cuts!.

Nice first pens.

Steve Mawson
11-26-2009, 11:25 AM
Welcome, you are on your way. Agree with Ken and David on the sharp tools and light cuts. On acrylic I sometimes cut from the outside of the ends toward the middle. Not an easy cut but something that small and turning fast it can be done. There is no support turning from the body of the pen toward the end and that leads to chips. However sharp and light will greatly help.

Bernie Weishapl
11-26-2009, 12:17 PM
Mike those are some nice pens and perfume holder. I have turne a lot of acrylic and can't add more than what has been said. Speed of the lathe, sharp tools, light and slow cuts. Ed Davidson (aka Yo-Yo Spin) lives in the Springs I believe and he is a master of acrylic's. He is someone I would get ahold of and you can see his site at yoyospin.com. Really nice guy and very helpful.

Mike Moffitt
11-26-2009, 4:02 PM
Thanks for the advice guys...I had actually slowed the lathe down a bit because I had watched a how-to video on line and I thought he had mentioned he was at 1800 rpms or something like that...the second blowout did happen at higher speeds though because I had sped it up for the perfume holder...so I guess I'll just have to keep practicing...darn! LOL

Bill Bolen
11-26-2009, 9:18 PM
Very nice set of first turnings! All you can do is get better......and poorer...Bill...

Billy Tallant
11-26-2009, 11:45 PM
Nice looking pens, Mike. Keep at that acrylic... It makes some very nice pens. I just started turning acrylic myself recently. I discovered like you did, very light cuts & extremely sharp blades. The finish is what is really amazing on acrylic. Just micromesh down to 12,000 & ren wax.