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Dan Hintz
11-24-2009, 9:47 PM
I will be leaving tomorrow evening to visit the SO's relatives in NC/SC, so I may not get much of a chance to log until mid next week. In case I don't get the chance, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving now :)


JohnT Fitzgerald
11-24-2009, 9:48 PM
Thanks Dan - you too.

Tom Bull
11-24-2009, 10:07 PM
That's quite a Big Bird they're having! Thanks for the chuckle.

Dee Gallo
11-24-2009, 10:24 PM
Thanks, Dan! Soak up some of those nice warm Southern rays on my behalf, will you?

Happy Thanksgiving, dee

Steve Clarkson
11-25-2009, 12:05 AM
Happy Turkey Day Dan.......have a great time!

Belinda Barfield
11-25-2009, 9:12 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Dan, and to the rest of you as well. We're actually having a bit of a "cool snap" here in the south so your visit should be pretty pleasant weather-wise. Travel safely.

Dave Russell Smith
11-25-2009, 9:38 AM
Have a good one Dan and everyone else on the Creek. Having mine at my sisters house so no washing of dishes :D .

Dan Hintz
11-25-2009, 11:20 AM

We're supposed to go horseback riding, and I'm told the planned day will be quite nippy. I do not work well in the cold, so I have a feeling this will be even less of a vacation ;)

Belinda Barfield
11-25-2009, 11:36 AM

We're supposed to go horseback riding, and I'm told the planned day will be quite nippy. I do not work well in the cold, so I have a feeling this will be even less of a vacation ;)

Sorry to hear that Dan. The coldest I have ever been was one New Year's weekend in Augusta, GA when we had an ice storm and lost power. Thank heavens for sleeping bags and wood heaters. The second coldest I have ever been was a week in January in Baltimore! When I got home all my girlfriends wanted to know what I bought on my trip and my reply was, gloves . . . that's the only thing I bought and it was money well spent. :D

onur cakir
11-25-2009, 12:41 PM
Happy Turkey Day Dan.......have a great time!

i'm not happy :D:cool:

Happy thanksgiving everyone !

Dan Hintz
11-25-2009, 1:43 PM
i'm not happy :D:cool:
Hahaha... took me a few seconds to get that one, Onur. Maybe we should say "Happy United States Day"? :p

Patrick Licata
11-26-2009, 8:37 PM
Dan and Belinda,
I'll take some of that cold weather any time! Still feels like summer in So. Fla. Happy Thanksgiving to all!:)