View Full Version : Thought I'd share a gloat with ya.

Kevin Gerstenecker
10-02-2004, 9:49 PM
Well, today was the day that I went to check out the Lumber I had a lead on last week. About an hour from the house, in the beautiful hills of Missouri. I think what I brought home was worth the drive, you be the judge. I bought 150+ board feet of Cherry, rough sawn and all at least 6/4, and some 8/4. (The NICE guy I bought it from only charged at 4/4 price for all.) I also bought 50+ BF of NICE Cedar. I was not going to get the Cedar, but after Angie saw it, she said YES YOU ARE! (Ya gotta love my "Lumber Grader"!) Anyway, the Cherry is NICE stuff. I have many boards that are in the 12-13" range, and all heartwood. Actually, there is little sapwood in any of the Cherry. He had all of this cut over 10 years ago from his 200 acres, and it has been stickered in the barn drying since. When he measure all the boards, he only measured the sections that had no defects, checks, or splits. So, I brought home a lot more than what I was charged for. Some of the defective areas will be fine for small projects, as I can cut around the problem areas. If nothing else, they will make Pen Blanks. I have included some pics of my haul, and I could not be happier. YES, he has more, and I WILL be going back, at HIS urging. I just about cleaned out the Cherry, but he has a LOT more Cedar, and Oak. I didn't get a chance to check out the Oak, but he assured me it is nice, and he thinks he has at least 300-400 BF, and no doubt we can pick thru and get at least 100 bf of nice stock.

Jim Becker
10-02-2004, 9:52 PM
Excellent score, Kevin!! And your wife is a peach...twisting your arm like that to bring home the cedar. What's not to like about that??? :D

Kevin Gerstenecker
10-02-2004, 9:57 PM
Thanks Jim. You could have knocked me over with a feather when she politely told me...."Uh, we WILL be getting some Cedar too". At first, the LOML didn't want to go along, but I insisted. Now, she can't wait to go back! Go figger? Yep, she GLADLY handed over the $100.00 for this purchase. Yep, that was 150+ bf of Cherry and 50+ bf of Cedar, all for that sum. The seller was happy, and it goes without saying what our mood was when we drove away! Like Arnold says.........."I'll be baack"! ;)

Kelly C. Hanna
10-02-2004, 10:04 PM
WOW!!! A great score and kudos to Angie for being there and encouraging you to buy the lot. She's a keeper like the one I have!

I see a lot of beautiful grain in that load, you did really well. Sounds like you have found a gold mine!! Congrats on the haul...can't wait to see what you make out of it. :D :D :D

Tyler Howell
10-02-2004, 10:06 PM
He shoots and scores. Too nice.:cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
10-02-2004, 10:11 PM
Kevin...I am truly envious! We have little hard wood here locally. Congrats on the lumber and Angie!

Dick Parr
10-02-2004, 10:48 PM
Congratulations Kevin. It looks like you made a very nice score with the cherry. Finding it like that is half the fun. :D

Tim Morton
10-02-2004, 10:55 PM
$100 bucks you say...just to put it in perspective, I paid $65 bucks today for 6 pieces of 1"x8"x8', and one piece of 1"x10"x10' pine. :(

Jerry Olexa
10-03-2004, 12:20 AM
Excellent job. You better wear a mask next time you go there (Bandit) . I love Cherry and you got some great stock @ a great Price!! Now,lets see your projects. Here in Illinois we pay close to $7 bf!:confused:

Kevin Gerstenecker
10-03-2004, 12:33 AM
Excellent job. You better wear a mask next time you go there (Bandit) . I love Cherry and you got some great stock @ a great Price!! Now,lets see your projects. Here in Illinois we pay close to $7 bf!:confused:

I hear ya Jerry! I love working Cherry too, and some of this stock will be used for a Blanket/Hope Chest for my daughter. I plan to resaw some of the Cedar for a lining for the chest. I will be getting started on that project sometime soon, and I will share pictures of the process. :)

Martin Shupe
10-03-2004, 1:16 AM
Kevin, as a fellow cherry scrounger, I am very jealous!! What a great price for some awesome lumber!!

Michael Stafford
10-03-2004, 8:18 AM
Nice pile of wood! I see beautiful tables, tool chests, boxes, display cases and more dancing through your wife's head. No excuses now so get busy. Funny thing about a wife, a favorite question is "Have you used all that wood that we bought last time?"

I'm sure you'll make good use of it. Some very nice looking cherry! Enjoy! :D

Steve Clardy
10-03-2004, 11:52 AM
Nice haul buddy.


Jason Tuinstra
10-03-2004, 4:41 PM
Kevin, nice score on that one. It looks great. Any speical plans for the cherry?

Chris Padilla
10-04-2004, 4:18 PM
Wow...I love free wood...it is the best! :)