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View Full Version : My first attempt at a bowl

Phillip Key
11-24-2009, 12:36 AM
Well, most of it anyway. I couldn't find all the pieces.


My dad came over and dropped off a stand he made for my old Shopsmith. It really beats the two rickety crates it was mounted on when I bought it :D

He also brought a bunch of turning blanks and some other assorted lumber! I just started woodworking and, in my excitement to finally have some decent wood to work with instead of the firewood I've been using, I didn't take the time to change the speed on my lathe. Turning way too fast, plus inexperienced tool handling, plus a catch equals wood shrapnel flying all over the garage :p

This was my first attempt at anything other than a few small bud vases (un-hollowed, just drilled) and some tops for my kids to play with.

Oh well. I'll try again tomorrow. And I'll be more patient ;)

Norm Zax
11-24-2009, 1:06 AM
Keep at it! Remember: sharp tools, less agressive cut, correct angle of attack (ride the bevel and such) and finally, if you see a hairline crack early on, close it up with CA glue. Larger one? With epoxy. Punky wood? Dont use until you're proficient. Goodluck!

gary Zimmel
11-24-2009, 1:16 AM
Welcome to the Creek Phillip.

Nothin beats a little a bit of adrenaline.
Good to see only the bowl took the hit..
Experience is the best teacher, next one will be better...

Michael E. Thompson
11-24-2009, 8:17 AM
I think we all had that happen to us a time or two. I know I got pretty good at exploding bowls. Just keep a close eye on how you put the tool on the wood. Keep practicing, before you know it, you won't even have any catches. You may want to invest in a good video, there are many to choose from. I know it helped me a lot.


Mike Golka
11-24-2009, 8:20 AM
Get right back in the saddle, you'll get there.

Steve Schlumpf
11-24-2009, 8:30 AM
Phillip - Welcome to the Creek! Sounds like you have a fairly good idea of what caused the problem, so hopefully you will have better luck with your next one!

You didn't state where you are from - but highly suggest you get with your local turning club as the members love to help new folks get started in turning. It really makes a difference having someone knowledgeable show you how to do something -vs- figuring it out on your own. Plus, a lot of clubs have DVDs you can check out that will assist also!

Good luck with bowl #2! Looking forward to seeing the photos!

Phillip Key
11-24-2009, 8:48 AM
You didn't state where you are from - but highly suggest you get with your local turning club as the members love to help new folks get started in turning. It really makes a difference having someone knowledgeable show you how to do something -vs- figuring it out on your own. Plus, a lot of clubs have DVDs you can check out that will assist also!

Absolutely. My dad has been a member of the Alabama Woodworkers Guild for years. I remember tagging along to meetings from the time I was maybe 10 - 12 years old. I'll be joining as soon as I have a little extra cash for the membership fee.

He's also available to help me out, I just tend to be unable to wait for lessons. ;)

Steve Schlumpf
11-24-2009, 8:51 AM
Any chance your Dad is Arlen?

Bill Bulloch
11-24-2009, 9:01 AM
Beed there, done that....Be sure and ware a face shield when you get back in the saddle.

David E Keller
11-24-2009, 9:10 AM
Glad to see that I'm not the only one with the talent to destroy innocent wood. Glad you're ok(clean underwear,etc). Looking forward to seeing your next turning.

Phillip Key
11-24-2009, 3:24 PM
Any chance your Dad is Arlen?

Nope, my dad's name is Mike.

Ian James Webster
11-24-2009, 7:01 PM
I feel your pain Phillip. My first bowl went well. So, full of confidence I chucked up a second. The dents in the ceilling of my works shop should prove as a long term reminder of what not to do!!!!!!!

Bernie Weishapl
11-24-2009, 9:51 PM
Welcome Phillip. Make sure you keep that bowl close by as a reminder. I have one I look at from time to time.

Ron Lynch
11-24-2009, 10:34 PM
Look on the bright side... didn't seem to hurt the bandsaw any!