View Full Version : Grizzly Magazine ads.. accurate?

Rick Boyett
11-23-2009, 10:44 PM
Hi Fellas,

I've been combing my various woodworking mags and found something interesting in Grizzly's ad for November's Wood Magazine (issue 194).

They have the G0604x listed for $650 plus free shipping. Now that in itself is a decent deal. But here's the zinger.. The Ad reads:

" 6" PARALLELOGRAM JOINTER with Spiral Cutterhead"

I double checked the website and found no reference to this. In fact, the G0604ZX is their 6" parallelogram jointer with the spiral cutterhead. That jointer cost $845.

So you say, well that is an obvious typo, right? I called Grizzly and the guy said it was indeed a typo.

But I just looked at the newest issue of Popular Woodworking and it has the G0604X listed for $625, but this time it has no mention of the spiral cutterhead. So do they make a mistake on one ad but not on another?

What do you guys think? I just want to know if the deal with the spiral cutter head is legit. If so, it is a no brainer of a deal. Heck, even without it, I think it's a decent deal and I may pull the trigger anyways.

Papa Griz, you out there? Did someone in marketing just fubar the ad in one mag or is this legit?

I should ad that the Jointer pictured in the ad is the G0604X...


Rick Boyett
11-23-2009, 10:47 PM
Another quick question. Does anyone know of any other magazines that Grizzly advertises in? Right now I know they advertise in Wood Magazine, Popular Woodworking, and Home Shop Machinist magazine. (machinist tools of course)

Josh Reet
11-23-2009, 11:09 PM
So you say, well that is an obvious typo, right? I called Grizzly and the guy said it was indeed a typo.

But I just looked at the newest issue of Popular Woodworking and it has the G0604X listed for $625, but this time it has no mention of the spiral cutterhead. So do they make a mistake on one ad but not on another?

What do you guys think? I just want to know if the deal with the spiral cutter head is legit. If so, it is a no brainer of a deal. Heck, even without it, I think it's a decent deal and I may pull the trigger anyways.

I'm confused.

You saw something in an ad, it didn't match anything you had seen from grizzly in the past, you called up grizzly and asked if it was a typo, they said "yes it is a typo", you saw another version of the ad that did not mention the spiral cutterhead, and you are asking here if the deal including the cutterhead is legit?

I'm going to say "No". The grizzly guy said it was a typo, that's your answer.

But hey, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, so maybe I'm missing something.

Josh Reet
11-23-2009, 11:11 PM
So do they make a mistake on one ad but not on another?

That is probably exactly what happened. They made the mistake on one ad, caught the mistake, then corrected it before they sent out the next ad to whatever magazine was up on the ad deadline list.