View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
11-23-2009, 8:14 AM
23 Nov 2009

Well, Happy Thanksgiving week to all of you.!

Another weekend has come and gone and I just know that some of you have woodworking things you've done and want to show off. So I'll start.

American Girl Doll bed for my niece. Made out of Black Walnut, mortise and tenon joinery, hand rubbed shellac finish. The LOML made the mattresses, pillows, pillow cases, linens, and tossed in a hand quilted comforter for my niece's dolls.

Besides working at the day job, that's all I got done over the weekend except for playing bass at church.

In case I don't get back to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving?
HAPPY THANKSGIVING..!!!!! May you be blessed with lots of family and love during this holiday season.

So what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
11-23-2009, 9:05 AM
Friday night I worked on a hardware storage cabinet for my shop. I'm using Plano plastic organizers and the cabinet I'm building will hold 10 of a larger size and 16 of a smaller size which should meet my needs nicely. Kind of inspired by the organizers they use at the hardware store, but mine will be prettier. I also put a second coat of fresh white paint on my paint booth. After a few years it wasn't very white anymore--lots of John Deere and Powermatic Green, black, primer, etc. Alll of that made it kind of dark.

Saturday I went to a friends for our club's second Toys for Tots build. This time we built 8 wooden wagons. Came home and washed the roof of the camper so we can get the cover on it before the first snow. Went to Costco for our monthly stock up trip, bought 800lbs of softener salt because its easier to get it in the basement when there's not a foot of snow on the ground.

Sunday worked on a number of projects around the house--new mailbox post, put away the deck furniture, etc. Went to Menards to get top soil--1200lbs--to fill in where we pulled out some bushes behind the garage and plan to plant tomatos, etc next year. It was actually cheaper to buy easy-to-handle bags since its on clearance this time of year.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-23-2009, 9:22 AM
Saturday...raked the yard and cleaned the gutters. A friend returned my Alan Lacer video and owned up to his recent purchase. After trying my Mustard Monster, he ordered one from Craft Supply. I asked if he needed help setting it up. He said he was done. When I asked if he'd turned anything yet and what he thought of the lathe..his reply "Boy what a step up from the old Rockwell lathe I inherited!"

Though the gutters were full of leaves, they weren't completely full of water yet! Yes!

Saturday night it rained and the wind blew!

Sunday, we vegetated. I did rake a few more leaves off the carport and around our front steps but that should do it for this year.

This is my holiday for being on standby this year. My counterpart is on vacation. I hope it's quiet at work and around the area I'm responsible for this holiday season!

We got belly pictures of our youngest son's wife last night. She's 1 week under 5 months carrying our latest TWIN grandchildren. Boy is her belly getting big!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Shawn Pixley
11-23-2009, 10:03 AM
I demolished the old fence and rebuilt and faced the new wall that will support my gate project.

Ben Hatcher
11-23-2009, 10:50 AM
After about two months of procrastination and a major shop redo, I've finally gotten back to work on my pedestal table project. I put new blades on my planer and milled up the stock for the feet. I organized the boards so that I'll have a running match on the inside faces of all 4 legs. I think that'll be a nice detail.

Greg Portland
11-23-2009, 11:30 AM
I started installing 4 built-ins in our home. I got the bases built & leveled and the cabinet carcases installed. Now I just need to do all the trim work. Step 1: Lots of time spent creating moulding!.

Zach England
11-23-2009, 6:16 PM
I needed a way to keep my cats up off the floor and out of the way, so I built this kitty cubby.

Keith Christopher
11-23-2009, 8:22 PM
Cleaned up around the house before it gets cold.

Finally made some storage for my router bits. And somehow, i seem to have lost my rabbeting bit. SIgh. and I NEED it.

Gerry Werth
11-23-2009, 8:31 PM
WE had an early Thanksgiving dinner on Friday night with some friends who will all be out of town on Thursday....sigh! Then I made a fireplace mantel...I know, I know...pictures are needed...coming:confused:

Jim O'Dell
11-23-2009, 10:01 PM
LOML was out Sat until about 2:00. I mostly vegged out, but did spend an hour or so in the shop deciding about my ceiling/ductwork project. With the new TS on the horizon, I needed to change some things. So a couple weeks ago I moved the DP and the BS to their new homes. The BS is what will require the ductwork change. I didn't have a duct going all the way to the East wall, so I had to build a "tunnel" so that most of the duct will be above the ceiling height. Got things laid out on how to attack it. Then Sunday, I built the channel. Had to improvise some of the structure, trying to use only materials on hand. I'm probably going to have to get a sheet of 1/4" ply to do the sides with, but we'll see how much I can piece together. I'll eventually need another stick of 6" PVC and some fittings to finish it up. Spent part of Sunday afternoon watching the fiasco that was called the Cowboy/Redskins game. And they call themselves professionals! Wow. Should have stayed in the shop.;) Jim.

Gerry Werth
11-24-2009, 12:15 AM
Jim, Put a TV IN your shop, then you can get some work done while the PROs "play"....or whatever it is they call football. :rolleyes: