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View Full Version : Woodburning tools

Joe Pack
11-22-2009, 9:35 PM
It was suggested on the main tools forum that I post this here. Any advice would be appreciated.


I'm looking to try my hand at decorating some of my woodworking using a woodburning tool. What features and/or attachments should I be looking for in a decent quality woodburning tool? Any brands/models that you would recommend over others?

Brett Baldwin
11-22-2009, 10:41 PM
Our turning club just had a demonstration by Molly Winton. Her main embellishment to her turnings is various burnings. She recommended either the DetailMaster or BurnMaster as the most versatile.

John Novak
11-25-2009, 10:30 AM
I like my Nibsburner brand of woodburner. Comes with a temperature control unit and there is a wide selection of interchangeable tips. Several diffetent priced units available. Got mine at www.fandfwoodcarving.com (http://www.fandfwoodcarving.com).

Phillip Bogle
11-28-2009, 1:47 AM
I really like my Razertip. Woodcarving Illustrated just did a small feature article that shows the new feather tips, for bird feather (not horse feathers:p) and how to use it.

I have not used the other units and they may be better, but I know what my Razertip unit will do and there is a very wide selection of tips available. Plus you can make your own tips or alter the tips to fit your style. Without knowing what you can do and what your creative bent is, good advice is hard to give. Some guys in my turning club bought their Razortip just to sign their work. I am experimenting with ways to add highlights and shadow, plus some detail to my carvings. I am not good at any of my carving or burning attempts but, I have a good time learning. The Razortip sure made a big difference in the quality of art that I produce. The brass pen style woodburners we got in Boy Scouts is no comparison.

Maybe the other guys on the list have some ideas about temperature ranges. I have noticed a big difference in the type of wood I use and the temperature needed at the pen. That may have some bearing on your selection. Anyone else had the same observation? Are all burners the same temperature range?
