View Full Version : Ok so I promised

Keith Christopher
10-02-2004, 2:24 PM
I took break from cutting this maple to let you all know (those who asked anyway) the Osborne miter jig is amazing. (I know we all have our prefs) but I was having major issues squaring up on my TS (I wittled the tuning down to my old stock mitre gauge) well I put it on the osborne and MAN I am dead on 90deg I tried 3 diff squares and even my drafting square and there is not a micron out (well maybe but I sure can't see it. So if you're thinking about a new mitre gauge man this one it awesome. so dead on in fact I didn't use my MS to square these things. I cut them right to the line on my TS. then I stood them up on my torsion box and put a bullet level on them dead center!

Ok so I know I need help but I had to make sure.

I promise a digital camera is in my future so be paitent with me. :)


Jim Becker
10-02-2004, 3:32 PM
Keith, have you tried it with any longer material to test for flex? That was one of the things that folks sometimes mentioned, at least with earlier versions. I'm curious if it stays "stiff" under the load you get when crosscutting something long and perhaps a little heavier.

Dave Bartley
10-02-2004, 3:36 PM
I have been very happy with my Osborne as well.

Jim in answer to your question regarding flex. As long as you hold the piece firmly against the fence, flex is not an issue at all. To get a good precise cut, I would think a person would have to hold it there anyway.

Keith Christopher
10-02-2004, 4:23 PM

The cuts I talked about were the ends of 2 3x3 posts. These were two 6/4 maple glue ups trimmed and planed to 3x3 they are posts for a headboard, they are 48" long. I trimmed about 1/4" off each end. This thing is stable even for long heavy pieces.