View Full Version : help with rocking chair project

keith ouellette
11-22-2009, 3:50 PM
I am making 2 rocking chairs. I used some parts from an old broken chair to try and get close to the right design.

Here is my problem:

It doesn't rock back far enough.

I put the frame together and stood next to it and rocked it. Using my arms as a crude gage I confirmed that the one I built does not rock back as far as it rocks forward. I did the same test on the old chair and it does roll back farther than mine when it is let go from the same position. (hope I explained that clearly)

the runners are made with the same curve as the old chair and the legs are in the same position.

any ideas would be appreciated.

wanted to add that my wife noticed the old chair leaned back when at rest and the one I made sits straight up and down when at rest.

Mike Henderson
11-22-2009, 5:25 PM
My guess is that both chairs rock back the same amount but since yours is more upright when at rest, it doesn't appear to rock back as much. I think you're going to have to shorten the rear legs.

I wrote up some notes (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/Papers/2006-02-21%20Construction%20Tips.pdf)from when I built my rocker. Part of the discussion is the length of the legs (front and back). Take a look at the paper and see if it helps.


keith ouellette
11-22-2009, 5:31 PM
My guess is that both chairs rock back the same amount but since yours is more upright when at rest, it doesn't appear to rock back as much. I think you're going to have to shorten the rear legs.

I wrote up some notes (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/Papers/2006-02-21%20Construction%20Tips.pdf)from when I built my rocker. Part of the discussion is the length of the legs (front and back). Take a look at the paper and see if it helps.


Wow! thats a nice rocker. I'm going to read your notes and figure out where I went wrong.

When I do finish don't expect mine to look as good as yours though.

Mike Henderson
11-22-2009, 6:11 PM
That was actually my second rocker. I built one more, using what I had learned from the first two. Look toward the bottom of the page here (http://www.mikes-woodwork.com/mikes_projects.htm).

That third rocker is in cherry while my first two were in walnut.

If I do another one, I'll probably do some other design, maybe more modern instead of a Craftsman style.


keith ouellette
11-22-2009, 6:31 PM
I think you were right about the height of the legs. I checked the old rocker and the distance from the runners to bottom side rail is shorter in the back than in the front by 1 and 1/2".

I also noticed your notes mentioning and angle for the legs of 94deg and I checked the hole in an old rail compared to the hole I drilled in mine and the angle is different; mine being right at 90deg. I'm not sure I'll be able to fix that.

I'm gonna shorten the back legs and see how that works.

Thanks a bunch.