View Full Version : *Here's* how you hide 700 lbs of lathe ...

Cliff Holmes
11-21-2009, 7:52 PM
clear out a space by the wall and slide the lathe in place
put Dad's old rolling tool chests in front
pile on various boxes from recent purchases, other junk on the sides
talk about how you feel better 'cause you got lots of rearranging done on that junky side of the shop

btw, the last shot is my wife's current lathe. I think the PM is an upgrade :D

Richard Madison
11-21-2009, 8:04 PM
Well done Cliff. The PM will be a slight improvement over the C'man monotube. My Jet 1642 was.

Brendan McAreavy
11-21-2009, 8:04 PM
I would love to be there when your wife sees her Christmas pressie.


gary Zimmel
11-21-2009, 8:41 PM
Sweet, real sweet Cliff...

I too would love to see your wives grin on Xmas morn.

Curt Fuller
11-21-2009, 8:51 PM
I would have just buried it in shavings!

Thomas Canfield
11-21-2009, 9:18 PM
That's a long time to keep the monster cooped up in a box. You might need to let it out and stretch its legs, and even spin around a little.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-21-2009, 9:27 PM
I would have just buried it in shavings!

And give her a used gift?:confused::rolleyes:

John Beaver
11-22-2009, 12:07 AM
How do you get it under the tree ?

alex carey
11-22-2009, 2:14 AM
you should record her reaction of giving it to her.

Bill O'Conner
11-22-2009, 3:10 AM
I'm just wondering what the big ugly knive is for in the picture of the old lathe


Barbara Gill
11-22-2009, 6:12 AM
Uh, I am assuming your wife is not aware of this forum.:D

11-22-2009, 7:15 AM
What lathe?


Bernie Weishapl
11-22-2009, 8:18 AM
That is clever Cliff.

Cliff Holmes
11-22-2009, 9:09 AM
How do you get it under the tree ?

I'm going to go out and unbury it on Christmas eve. I also got a little tiny Christmas tree to put on top.

Cliff Holmes
11-22-2009, 9:12 AM
I'm just wondering what the big ugly knive is for in the picture of the old lathe

I had just stuck it up there while "tidying" the shop. Comes in handy for lots of stuff, its last job was cutting acoustic ceiling tiles for the cyclone closet.

Cliff Holmes
11-22-2009, 9:14 AM
Uh, I am assuming your wife is not aware of this forum.:D

As a mother of five who homeschools and runs two small businesses, she barely gets time to do any turning, much less spend time on forums (like her husband).

Ken Fitzgerald
11-22-2009, 9:32 AM

I'm sure if you had painted the shop Mustard Yellow and set the lathe up, it would have been too obvious!:rolleyes:

Richard Madison
11-22-2009, 9:47 AM
Ken, If the whole shop was mustard yellow, would it not just blend into the background like camo and be invisible? Now where did I leave that 700# lathe? It must be here somewhere.

John W Dixon
11-22-2009, 4:41 PM
Crap Cliff, I guess there goes any chance of me winning husband of the year! Good on you and that should be one happy Christmas at your house!


Steve Mawson
11-22-2009, 8:09 PM
I call that a monumental UPGRADE!!!;) The opening should be quite a site, are you going to video it?

Allen Neighbors
11-22-2009, 9:28 PM
I'm just wondering what the big ugly knive is for in the picture of the old lathe

Bill, that looks like an Old Hickory butcher knife, like I made my best parting tool out of. Just a guess.
Right, Cliff?

Cliff Holmes
11-22-2009, 9:40 PM
looks like an Old Hickory butcher knife

It's definitely a butcher knife. My dad said my grandfather originally used it in the family grocery store in the 1940's

Barbara Gill
11-23-2009, 6:09 AM
As a mother of five who homeschools and runs two small businesses, she barely gets time to do any turning, much less spend time on forums (like her husband).

Whew! I guess not. :D

Don Orr
11-25-2009, 1:51 PM
Seriously nice huge shop !

Awesome upgrade for your wife. I'd also like to see her reaction:D.

Good work hiding it.

Jeff Nicol
11-25-2009, 8:29 PM
Well, you are making the rest of us look bad! I might have to get myself another lathe for Christmas just to make myself feel better!!! HA HA!! Great gift for a busy,busy Mom and Wife!! She will be picking herself off the floor when she sees it!


Steve Kubien
11-26-2009, 12:29 AM
The way I see it, a gift like that entitles you to a lifetime of Sunday's on the couch watching all of the football you can handle.