View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
11-20-2009, 8:12 AM
Friday November 20, 2009


Bambi season starts here tomorrow at the "crack of dawn". Well, the official gun hunt starts anyway. Bow season has been going on for a few weeks now along with a 4 day "earn a buck" season a couple of weeks ago. According to a map, published in our paper yesterday, our county is one of a number of south central Wisconsin counties in which the deer population is estimated to be 20% or more above that which the DNR deems sustainable. Weather is to be much like it's been, some rain with temps in the 40's and 50's during the day.

LOML will be home this evening after spending the week in Vegas at the World Gaming Expo. I'm hoping she remembered to pick up some Ethel M chocolates. As I don't hunt, I'll be busy with the preliminary preparation for Thanksgiving next week. The whole family, as well as a few friends grace our doorstep for a meal, some football [on TV] and a good time.

What's on the agenda in your part of the universe? Whatever is happening I trust it will be a good time and above all SAFE.


Matt Meiser
11-20-2009, 8:32 AM
Tomorrow our club is building small wagons for Toys for Tots so I'll be doing that for at least part of the day. I'll probably spend at least part of Sunday over at my parents working on my punchlist. We also need to get the cover on our camper. Whatever is left, I hope to get started on the stand for my Parks planer, if I can get out today to pick up the steel I need.

Brad Noble
11-20-2009, 8:54 AM
Well, not just on the weekend but a few evenings thru the week too. This weekend we'll be showing some of these at a local craft show.

Jim Sears and myself have made several bandsaw boxes here lately and this one just happens to be the one we decided to "alter" a little by adding a clock and thermometer.


Thanks for looking.


Ken Fitzgerald
11-20-2009, 8:59 AM
As it appears this last cold rain has caused most of the remaining leaves to drop, finish raking leaves and clean the gutters and maybe get some turning done.

Bill Arnold
11-20-2009, 9:41 AM
Weekend schedule?

Do a few things around the shop - a little turning practice and some cleanup. Pick up LOML from work and drive to Valdosta for dinner and a little shopping.

Probably do a little in the yard, but rain is supposed to move in during the afternoon. Keep up with the NASCAR happenings at Homestead.

NASCAR! What else??? Go Jimmy!!!

Al Willits
11-20-2009, 9:41 AM
No hunting here Karl, still fishing and that's what I'll be doing Sunday, Saturday is get the snowblower out and ready, and winterizing the lawnmower.

Then a trip down to Red Wing for a early lunch and a bit of sight seeing.
Time allowing, getting the kitchen cabinets started...finally

Have a safe weekend all.


Michael Peet
11-20-2009, 10:00 AM
Well, this finally arrived yesterday:


Getting it into the basement and assembling it are what I hope to get done. :D


Michael Schumacher
11-20-2009, 4:24 PM
It's been a while since I've lurked here - tonight is baby sitting either the nephews or take care of my son while my wife takes care of the nephews - I think the later be more fun.

My plans? Hmmm - I should work on the bathroom remodel, yet I feel compelled to work in the shop and clean/organize it. Saturday afternoon will be putting up christmas lights outside - won't turn on other than to test them out - that will wait after thanksgiving. Sunday will be to go to church and hopefully spend some time with my wife as the summer was putting up siding on the house.
