View Full Version : Peppermill Critiques Needed.

gary Zimmel
11-19-2009, 11:48 PM
Good Day to the Turners of the Creek.

I would like to make a few peppermills for xmas presents.
The first few I made as prototypes for shape went real bad....
All ended up as what I would call "learning experiences".
Or fish bonkers....
As the shape went bad I just used them for more practice.


Number four came out pretty darn close to my drawing.
No mill guts put in it, just a solid piece to get my form.


This is where I need some critiques from the more experienced.
To me the top is just a tap big.
Anything else I could do to improve on the form?

Thanks in advance...


Paul Atkins
11-20-2009, 12:35 AM
Actually I like therm better than most of the ones I've seen lately. The extremes of the highs and lows make them exciting to look at. The middle one is a bit 'rough'. The last one is not bad, but I agree about the top. Also the bottom doesn't need to go in as much. I look at some of the very first turnings i made 30 years ago and like them for the experimental nature of them.

Bob Vavricka
11-20-2009, 12:48 AM
I like the overall shape, but agree that the top appears a little big to me also. Here is a quick and dirty edit of your pic with the top reduced about 15%. What do you think?
Bob V.

Tim Browne
11-20-2009, 9:09 AM
I'm too new at turning to give a critique but I do have a tip.
When I'm wondering about a form, which is almost every time I make something, I ask my wife to close her eyes and tell me what she thinks. Feeling a piece without having seen it gives a good perspective for those items that'll be handled in normal use. Plus, a womans view is always helpful.
If you're single you could do the same with a friend.

gary Zimmel
11-20-2009, 9:11 AM
Thanks Paul and Bob.

The picture sure helps out Bob.
Paul you make mention of the bottom not needing to go in as much.
Were you taking about the top of it or the bottom of the bottom?

I did ask my wife.
But I first used the bonker on the left in the first pic.
I could tell she didn't want to hurt my feelings.....
She was the one that first made mention of the top after showing her the last one.

Mike Golka
11-20-2009, 12:23 PM
Gary I have found that the "BOSS" is the best person to test these on. If it feels as good as it looks then you have a winner. She'll be the first to tell you if it dosen't feel right. When I first started making them I would get her to try them out before completely finished and make any adjustments. Now I have a better idea of what is ergonomic as well as pleasing to the eye.;)

Dave Carey
11-20-2009, 11:14 PM
I just started trying my hand at these and wish mine looked as good as your number 4. I think that's on the right track. Re the size of the top, my meat hooks are a bit large so I appreciate it when the business end of the mill is a bit generous. Makes it easier to work it.

Jim Kountz
11-21-2009, 9:16 AM
Looks like you have the makings of some huge chess pieces!! LOL Ok seriously though you're doing great with them I think, its all about gaining more experience and however we go about that is going to make us better right? I vote for the last one maybe a bit thinner in the middle section??

Thom Sturgill
11-21-2009, 12:37 PM
Gary I like the looks of the left hand one in the first picture, but wonder how you would load it. Bob's 15% reduction on the top looks to just about spot on, general shape is fine, just a tad large..