View Full Version : anyone have a vega 2600 bowl lathe

Chris Haas
11-18-2009, 9:46 PM
have an oportunity to get the 1.5hp vega 2600 used. problem is, i would have to sell my jet 1642.

i dont have a problem with that, since i have turned approx 0 spindles, and spend all my time on bowls and HF's. so what do you guys think, is it an even trade, or close to? any cons on the vega, i noticed the lowest speed is 160, dont know why, my jet can go 0 rpms. is it a reeves drive? btw it is the 110v motor, basically same as my jet i believe, so power doesnt bother me. let me know what you guys think. thanks.

Dick Strauss
11-19-2009, 12:18 AM
It sounds like that 2600 lathe has three speed ranges (via pulleys) that are controlled by a reeves drive. The 1.5hp version you mention sells for $2500 while the 2hp VFD version is $3200 new.

One challenge is the 1.25" toolrest post that is non-standard.

Do you often find yourself wanting to turn something larger than 16" in diameter?

Ryan Baker
11-19-2009, 10:31 PM
I wouldn't do it if it meant giving up the 1642. From what I have seen of the Vega, the only thing it has over the jet is the additional swing, which most people don't really use that often. The tailstock design is supposed to be a big selling point of the vega, but it seems pretty flimsy and limited to me.

David Christopher
11-19-2009, 11:15 PM
Chris, creeker Tony Greenway has one, you might want to talk to him

Chris Haas
11-20-2009, 9:26 PM
well i went for it, i couldnt believe just how sturdy it was. besides, for what i got it for, i think i can get it again if i absolutely cant stand the lathe, but i dont think that will be a problem. i dont have it set up yet, but will by sunday night, will post pics. i have to say though, if your looking for bells and whistles.... they arent there. if your looking to turn large platters and bowls with ease, i think i found a great machine for that. besides, i can always buy a jet mini if i want to do pens and stuff..... i think my next project might be a wooden sink though. will post pics later.

David Christopher
11-20-2009, 9:52 PM
congrats on the new lathe Chris, be sure to show us some pics when you get it set up and turning

alex carey
11-20-2009, 10:05 PM
congrats on the purchase, looking forward to the pics and perhaps a review of the lathe once you put it through its paces.