View Full Version : Wood ID please

Keith Avery
11-16-2009, 9:37 PM
I am a novice woodworker who hasn't done anything for 6 years. I have moved, changed careers, and had a baby. I finally am getting back to it and recently bought some wood at auction. I looked at it very briefly before the auction, it was kinda dirty on top and I didn't move any. My initial thought was some mahogany, some cherry, poplar and walnut. I won the auction and was told by an older gentleman it was cherry and poplar. I agree with the poplar but not sure on the cherry. It looks to me like I got about 140bf(8/4 and 4/4) mahogany and 120(8/4) poplar and 8 bf(8/4) of walnut. I never thought it would be hard to tell cherry from mahogany but maybe I am going senile. 4 boards are 28" wide by 10 ft s2s to about 13/16th. I didn't think cherry got that wide without sap wood. Either way I am happy for $300. Let me know what it really is gentleman. I appreciate the help.

george wilson
11-16-2009, 10:50 PM
Cherry doesn't have those little pores.

David DeCristoforo
11-16-2009, 10:52 PM
Nice looking Honduras mahogany...

Maurice Ungaro
11-17-2009, 9:08 AM
+1 on the Mahogany - telltale little pores.
Some poplar, maybe some cherry.
Definitely some mahogany.

Prashun Patel
11-17-2009, 9:16 AM
Could it be a mix? Some of those pix sure do look like cherry.
Regardless, some nice pieces there.

Keith Avery
11-21-2009, 11:19 PM
Thank you all for the replies I very much appreciate it.