View Full Version : Am I the only one.....

Dennis Peacock
09-30-2004, 11:05 PM
that has no real projects to work on so you spend some time tinkering in the shop. You decide to start a project that you need to do for the shop and THEN.....bang!!!! The LOML wants something done, someone calls and wants a pen made, somebody remembers your number and calls you wanting a table leg made, next person wants a piece of furniture redone.....then....

You get into several projects at one time in the shop, the shop turns out like a twister hit it, every time you work on a different project, you find out how many tools you DON'T have to get the job done right, where's that router bit I need to cut this profile, where's that board I bought just to finish up this piece of furniture, I'm out of xxx grit sandpaper? :confused: Why is my stuff not where I put it last night? Why is this cut NOT SQUARE.....

Ever have these times happen you you? :confused:

Betsy Yocum
09-30-2004, 11:08 PM
Good googly moogly Dennis - sounds as though you need a bubble bath to relax!!!!!! :p

Actually - that thing happens to me all the time. It's amazing I'm so very organized at work - everything in its place. But in the shop - nothing has a home and nothing is ever easy to find. Perhaps that's why I need to keep my day job!:rolleyes:

Rest assured - you are not alone.

sascha gast
09-30-2004, 11:17 PM
can't say that for me, i can relax so much in the shop, it's not even funny. i am very fast paced at work and deal with clients all day long(i'm a hairstylist). once in the shop, it's all aboout relaxing. not a day of stress ever. somebody wants something quicker, go to IKEA and that's the end of it.

as the saying goes



Kelly C. Hanna
09-30-2004, 11:24 PM
Betsy, are you a Frank Zappa fan? That line comes from Don't Eat the Yellow Snow I think...:D:D:D

mike lucas
09-30-2004, 11:25 PM
Do like I do!
Every time my wife wants me to make something I get a new tool.:D Once I am in to the project to where there is no backing out, I tell her I need something to finish it.:eek: After 15 years and God knows how many new toys (I mean tools) she still falls for it. Or at least babies me, and I get something.
Some times it is just a package or 2 of sand paper, other times it is a $200 router. Router bits are an easy one.;) And clamps. After all, you can never have too many clamps!:cool:

Tom LaRussa
10-01-2004, 12:17 AM
Ever have these times happen you you? :confused:
Uh, yeah.

That's what my life is usually like, but, to borrow a phrase:

The worst day in the wood shop beats the best day doing just about anything else.


Ralph Morris
10-01-2004, 12:23 AM
Happens to me sometimes, this one was one of them, I glued the panels and the next day found out it was backwards!:mad:

Betsy Yocum
10-01-2004, 3:26 AM
Betsy, are you a Frank Zappa fan? That line comes from Don't Eat the Yellow Snow I think...:D:D:D
Kelly - hummmm how to answer that ----- since you gave me a title I'd say that Frank Zappa is a singer. If you had not given me that I would have had no idea who Zappa would be. This would not be surprising as it was not until I was almost 35 before I even knew who Bob Dillan is. My friends still tease me about that. But you have to understand that we grew up in a rural area and Dad did not think having a radio was necessary. We did not get our first "stereo system" until my oldest brother joined the service and bought one for Dad for Christmas so that he had no choice about it. (BTW - we still have that system and it still works - and is still seldom, if ever, on) But after that it was mostly instrumentals and old war songs. I don't recall ever having a radio in one of our cars - not sure - but I don't think we ever did. So long and short music is not my best trivial pursuit category.

But I digress - back to that quote - my grandfather used to say that from time to time and I've said it for years since the first time I heard him say it. I always thought it was a fun thing to say.

Sorry that was such a long answer - but it sparked some remembrance of home - and had to share!:D


Gary Max
10-01-2004, 4:47 AM
Dennis I came up with a good answer to your question several years ago.
I had figured out that you must always be on time---you tell them Thursday and it is done on Thursday.
Since I really beleive this to be true my answer is---I will put you on the list and it should be done before Christmas---unless it is Dec---Then it's to late for Christmas this year.

Michael Stafford
10-01-2004, 7:57 AM
Dennis you know that when it rains it pours. Almost never do your plans coincide with the plans of others who have designs on your time.

This is the worst time of the year for me. I quit taking box orders for Christmas in July because I only have so much time. My full time job really cuts into my woodworking time. :(

However, that said, offers come up that are too good to refuse and I always end up covered with stuff in the last two months before Christmas that require late nights in the shop. I always take 2 or 3 weeks off in the Fall just for woodworking.

Actually a bubble bath is a good idea if you have the right company :p

Kelly C. Hanna
10-01-2004, 8:03 AM
Dennis, mine are a little different since it's mostly 'outside the shop' work. My problem is that we do a good job somewhere and it's not unusual to hear 'while you're here, can you do this for us?' I always allow for this by adding days to each job's schedule, but sometimes we have to shift everyone's schedule like the instance going on right now. We've been at the same house now a month and a half!!

Betsy, nice remembrance. I had never heard that saying outside Frank Zappa's music (he's quite strange to say the least).

Betsy Yocum
10-01-2004, 8:09 AM
Dennis, mine are a little different since it's mostly 'outside the shop' work. My problem is that we do a good job somewhere and it's not unusual to hear 'while you're here, can you do this for us?' I always allow for this by adding days to each job's schedule, but sometimes we have to shift everyone's schedule like the instance going on right now. We've been at the same house now a month and a half!!

Betsy, nice remembrance. I had never heard that saying outside Frank Zappa's music (he's quite strange to say the least).
Now Kelly - are you calling me strange?????? Let me tell you - you're RIGHT!!!!!!! :p In a good way of course!:D

John Miliunas
10-01-2004, 8:12 AM
Dennis, just like at work, what you describe is N.O.P. :) :cool:

Kelly C. Hanna
10-01-2004, 8:23 AM
No Betsy, it would be me taking the strange prize in this group for knowing that weird fact. :eek:

Ernie Hobbs
10-01-2004, 8:51 AM
Betsy and Kelly:

I think that quote came from Grady on "Sanford and Son". He used to say " Good Googedy Moogley, Fred." Check it out on TV Land.

Maybe he got it from somewhere else. If your Grandfather used to say it, it is likely he started saying it before Sanford and Son was on the air.

Ernie Hobbs
Madison, AL

Donnie Raines
10-01-2004, 9:59 AM
I have been to busy putting my shop together to think about any other wood project. Though, in saying that, I have so many projects I wish to start its crazy.

Maybe this weekend.....maybe......

Jim Becker
10-01-2004, 10:06 AM
'Happens at work and happens at home. Things never space themselves out neatly!

Ken Fitzgerald
10-01-2004, 10:16 AM
Dennis....seems to happen at work and home.....feast or famine! :o ......but something always hanging out! As you might imagine in my line of work....when a CT or MR scanner goes down...you're on the job until it's fixed or parts are ordered. Even though I might not be "on call" this weekend or any weekend...something goes down.....you get called. :o I've even been called back early from vacation because my counter part had 2 MRs down and a CT too! :( Makes it difficult to plan anything. Slows down the progress on my new shop as I have to plan things in short bursts (like painting) that I know I can walk away from it without any resulting damage. Such is life! However....after watching my in-laws who've been retired for many years.....I'm not sure retirement is any better. :confused: They are always gone and I don't mean "on-vacation".... :confused: :)

Dennis Peacock
10-01-2004, 12:26 PM
I hear ya Ken....I got to bed from work at 2AM this morning and I got a call from the bossman at 9:30AM saying that things were "hopping" at work and I needed to come in early today!!!

PLUS...I'm just now starting another "Tool Review".!!! :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: