View Full Version : Finally have a shop

Kyle Stiefel
09-30-2004, 9:49 PM

I have been a browser of this site for a long time but this is my first post. I just finally returned from overseas military duty and have put together my shop. The stuff has been collecting in a garage back home as it went on sale. I am just waiting my my 20 and 30 amp twist lock plugs and I can start making dust. I will go pick up a load of rough sewn wood tommorow for my first project use. I have always enjoyed coming to this sight and have learned many things reading others posts. I look forward to actually participating in the fun now. I have attached a few pictures of my new oasis.


Frank Pellow
09-30-2004, 9:57 PM
Welcome Kyle! Looks like you have a nice place to work and some good equipment. If you give me some specifics about dimensions, ceiling height, and location I will add your shop to the summary thread on SMC members shop characteristics.

By the way, we all use our full surnames at this forum. Please change your profile to provide yours.

Fred Voorhees
09-30-2004, 10:02 PM
Kyle, congratulations on getting your own place to make the dust fly! But then, with a dust collection system, well, not that much should fly, but at least the projects should start to hum out of the shop. I know when my shop was up and running, it was one of the happier days. Enjoy!

Don Abele
09-30-2004, 10:03 PM
Kyle, welcome aboard SMC. We look forward to seeing the projects that come out of your well equiped shop.

Let me be the first here to thank you for your service to our wonderful country. Welcome back to the states.

Be well,


Ken Fitzgerald
09-30-2004, 10:22 PM
Kyle....Welcome to the 'Creek! Nice looking shop! Thank you for serving this country. We will always be indebted to you! Again....Welcome!

John Miliunas
09-30-2004, 10:36 PM
Welcome to the Creek, Kyle! :) I see you already have the picture thing down solid, so I won't even go into that! :D Looks like you've got yourself a mighty fine shop, as well. I note the "Woodsucker". Great unit, but I'd really consider doing some enclosure around it to muffle the noise a bit. The thing is LOUD! :rolleyes: At any rate, you've found a great place to hang out and share tips, info, questions, gloats and just about anything else one can think of! Stop often and stay long! :cool:

Kelly C. Hanna
09-30-2004, 10:49 PM
Nice shop Kyle...I see a few nice machines as well...we look forward to your posts!

Jim Becker
09-30-2004, 10:49 PM
Kyle, welcome to SMC and more importanly, welcome back to your "new oasis". (Thanks for your service) The shop looks great and you're going to really enjoy making that lumber into whatever the wood tells you it wants to be!

BTW, relative to Franks's comment about getting your last name added, you'll need to contact Jackie Outten to get that taken care of administratively.

Dennis Peacock
09-30-2004, 10:54 PM
Welcome to SMC Kyle. THANK YOU for your service to our country.!!! Nice looking shop space there and you didn't even get caught by the Pic Police because you posted pics. Nice entry into the Creek.!!!! :D

Dick Parr
09-30-2004, 11:15 PM
Welcome to the Creek Kyle!

I like your shop :) and I love your saw. :D Have fun with both. :D :D

mike lucas
09-30-2004, 11:33 PM
Nice way to get your feet wet in the creek. Welcome aboard!:)

Jerry Olexa
09-30-2004, 11:39 PM
Kyle, WELCOME and thanks for serving our country! Looks kike a great shop complete w dust system, Enjoy your well earned oasis.

Jim Ketron
09-30-2004, 11:41 PM
Welcome to the Creek Kyle!!
Come on in the waters just fine.:D
Nice shop you have there!
Look forward to seeing some of your work.

Tom LaRussa
10-01-2004, 12:14 AM
Hi Kyle,

I just finally returned from overseas military duty

and have put together my shop.

And wow, nice shop!

Don't forget to post your stats for Frank P.


Steve Stube
10-01-2004, 12:33 AM
Kyle, what a start it is! Lots of space and good equipment, I'm happy for you.Work safe, have fun, enjoy the sport. Steve

Mike Vermeil
10-01-2004, 1:30 AM
Thanks for your service Kyle.

Enjoy the tools, and the shop.


Kyle Stiefel
10-01-2004, 2:08 AM
Welcome to the Creek, Kyle! :) I see you already have the picture thing down solid, so I won't even go into that! :D Looks like you've got yourself a mighty fine shop, as well. I note the "Woodsucker". Great unit, but I'd really consider doing some enclosure around it to muffle the noise a bit. The thing is LOUD! :rolleyes: At any rate, you've found a great place to hang out and share tips, info, questions, gloats and just about anything else one can think of! Stop often and stay long! :cool:

Thanks for the input. The enclosure I am actually starting tommorow. I just got up here 2 1/2 weeks ago and had to repaint the whole inside of my new (to me) house and put the shop together. I would really like to raise the garage door by 2 panels and build something outside the garage and plumb it through. I will complete this once the money tree I planted in the front yard comes through for me.


Kyle Stiefel
10-01-2004, 2:11 AM
Welcome Kyle! Looks like you have a nice place to work and some good equipment. If you give me some specifics about dimensions, ceiling height, and location I will add your shop to the summary thread on SMC members shop characteristics.

By the way, we all use our full surnames at this forum. Please change your profile to provide yours.

I read through the information and ONLY the administrator has the power to change a persons user name. I let them know so I assume they will take care of it.


Roger Barga
10-01-2004, 3:34 AM
Nice shop setup (I'm green with envy) and thank you for your service to our country. Look forward to seeing some of your project work. Cheers, Roger

Rob Russell
10-01-2004, 7:29 AM

Welcome to SMC and back to the US. Do yourself a favor and keep your shop that neat. One it gets messy it takes a LOT of work to clean it back up.


Michael Stafford
10-01-2004, 7:34 AM
Nice shop and welcome home. Thanks for your service. Rob is right, I once had a nice clean organized shop- about 20 years ago. Once I started working in it I filled it up and it has never been the same.

Waymon Campbell
10-01-2004, 7:35 AM
Kyle - Nice shop and first post. Welcome to the 'Creek. I see you're a Griz man...well, so am I.

As the others have said, thank you so much for your service to this great nation.

Frank Pellow
10-01-2004, 8:09 AM

I read through the information and ONLY the administrator has the power to change a persons user name. I let them know so I assume they will take care of it.


Sorry, I should have known that. :(

Looking forward to pictures of the work that you do in the shop. :)

Also, please send me the requested dimension and other characteristics.

Jason Tuinstra
10-01-2004, 9:30 AM
Welcome, Kyle. Good to have you here! You have a great looking woodshop! Any ideas on what the first project is going to be?

Lou Morrissette
10-01-2004, 9:50 AM
Welcome to the Creek Kyle. Nice looking shop. Thanks for serving our great country and have well deserved fun.

Kent Cori
10-01-2004, 11:06 AM

We're glad to have you with us at SMC and back on American soil. I don't know exactly what you did while overseas but please rest assured that all of us appreciate the sacrifices that you and thousands like you made. Now go mess up that squeaky cleans shop by producing some sawdust! :D

Dave Right
10-01-2004, 12:31 PM

Welcome to the Creek. You sure have a head start on a lot of us newbies.
Looks great! And most important of all, Thank you for your service!

Roger Fitzsimonds
10-01-2004, 2:02 PM
Welcome Kyle.
You will really like the creek great bunch of people here friendly and knowledgeable. Thank you for your service to our country. Looking forward to see some of your projects.


Chris Padilla
10-01-2004, 4:48 PM
Whoo-hoo! Nice shop, Kyle. Good to have you back home, too! :D We look forward to lots of cool stuff coming out of that place! :)

chris toomey
10-01-2004, 4:57 PM
nice shop kyle. what wood do you work in sitka, and where does it come from? i was in sitka very briefly about 8 years ago. the inside passage had some awesome trees, but mostly softwoods if i remember corectly. where do your hardwoods come from and how do they get to you?


Tyler Howell
10-01-2004, 5:32 PM
Kyle Welcome to the Creek!reat folks hear. Nice high shop! We have a lot of tall WW here but it ain't important to me.:D

Jerry Ingraham
10-01-2004, 5:36 PM
I also wish to thank you for your service to our country. Welcome home and to the Creek. I'm relatively new here myself but have found it to be extremely friendly and helpful. Look forward to the projects from that shop.