View Full Version : Glue injector

Chris Barnett
11-15-2009, 8:50 PM
Looking for screw-on nozzle or something similar that can be used to inject Liquid Nails or equivalent glue (sealing material) into a cavity through a rather small opening.

I cannot enlarge the opening and need to place a glue like sealant throughout a rather long cavity. Seems I have seen maybe add-on screw type nozzles than can be attached to the simple plastic nozzles on the ends of silicone, liquid nails and such tubular packaged products, but...I cannot remember if I actually saw these gismos or had a "gee, they oughta make these things" dream.

DW suggested taping on a large diameter soda straw but the pressure would be too great for it to stay attached by that means, but she had the right idea.

Anyone know how to do this or know where to obtain such an attachment. The material I need to use is not user friendly and would perhaps harden before use if placed in a separate applicator and temporarily open to the air.

Not sure where to post such a request....so decided to start here.

Thanks...again, an off-the-wall but real problem looking for a solution.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-15-2009, 9:29 PM
If the Liquid Nails is in a tube used in a caulk gun, I've used clear plastic tubing to put caulk where I physically couldn't get the caulk gun due to obstructions.
Just slid it over the end of the caulk gun tip.

Chris Barnett
11-16-2009, 10:04 AM
Thanks Ken for letting me know it works. Had thought about that but discarded the idea, having decided the pressure would push the tubing off. Have several sizes and will try. Today I must be doing whatever I do...nothing like waiting 'til the last minute :).