View Full Version : spitoon?

Mike Minto
11-15-2009, 5:02 PM
cherry form - looks like a spitoon, to me. turned rough a few months ago - finished this weekend. danish oil, still needs buffing, but i'm in the posting mood. comments/critiques always welcome. mike

Bernie Weishapl
11-15-2009, 6:47 PM
Well could be Mike. I think it makes a nice bowl out of some nice cherry. I had a lady order a bowl which I made something like that. She wanted something she could handle with her hands that had arthritis in them so she could grip it.

Richard Madison
11-15-2009, 8:35 PM
I like it Mike. Smooth curvatures and very interesting rim (?) treatment. How big it is?

Jeff Nicol
11-16-2009, 6:29 AM
Mike, I like the fact that your bench has that worked on look! The shape is very different and nice looking too! Sometimes we need to spread our minds and try the non traditional! Nice finish so far and I always love the color of cherry!

Thanks for sharing,.


Mike Minto
11-16-2009, 11:07 AM
richard, it's about 8.5 x 7 inches, pretty thin walls, for me - almost too thin; the bottom started giving me that 'weak' sound when i vacuum chucked it to clean up the tenon! jeff, thanks for the workbench comment - i'm more craftsman than artisan, and though i wish i spent more time on the photography, that's the way my workshop looks most of the time - real, and cluttered! mike