View Full Version : Battery powered air helmets

Dick Foster
11-15-2009, 12:48 PM
Looking to buy a helmet but can't find a web site for: Triton helmets or the 3M helmet. I did find a location for the 3M but I read on a thread somewhere that the 3M was about a $1,000 . Couldn't find that helmet for that price on their web page. Could use a little assistance in this area if at all possible. Would also like to hear about the likes and dislikes of each. Thanks for your time and response.

Steve Schlumpf
11-15-2009, 1:01 PM
Dick - here are a couple of sites that may interest you:

I use the Trend PAPR system (not the Pro model) and while it does work I started thinking of upgrading to a more efficient system. With the Trend - the filters are not approved for the really small particles. Works good with most things when turning but when you can smell the wood - you are breathing it. Probably not a good thing when you do a lot of turning or are turning spalted woods!

If interested in the Trend check out their Pro model - there was a sale listed in the Deals & Discounts Forum for Sears that lists the price at $299. Best price I have ever seen for the Trend Pro model.

Keith Harrell
11-15-2009, 1:28 PM
I also have the trend non pro version and have thought a lot about upgrading it for a better filter which seems to be in the pro version;
The one I have does a fair job but as pointed out I smell the wood and wonder what is being passed though it. I have tried taping a n100 filter from a dust mask to the front but it does seems to really work that well. I just don't want to spend the $300 for the new one but it appears to be a better model. The 3M is best but at $1000.00 seems to much.
Let us know which one you get.

David Walser
11-15-2009, 2:29 PM
In addition to the Airstream, 3M also makes a similar product called the Breathe Easy 1. The primary differences are the Breathe Easy uses a belt mounted fan/filter while the Airstream's filter and fan are in the helmet. The belt mounted approach allows the Breathe Easy to take a wide assortment of filters, allowing it to be used for vapors (such as painting) as well as dust. In addition, having less weight in the helmet is supposed to be more comfortable. Here's a link:


Mike Minto
11-15-2009, 2:32 PM
i use (not as often as i should) the trend pro. i think it does a very good job, but it hurts my head after 15 minutes or so - around the 'hat band area'. i use it mostly when sanding and buffing. i've seen some of the ones that look like scuba tank mouthpieces and such - look too dorky and easy to damage to me. mike

Jerry Allen
11-15-2009, 7:10 PM
I just got a Triton PRA001 at a St. Vincent De Pauls for $50. The previous owner though the batteries were out, but it was just a bad connection easily fixed with one solder joint. Even though Triton says not, the batteries are replacable.

I find it comfortable and way better than my normal masks. I wear glasses and no longer feel uncomfortable or get fogged lenses when using this system--I wish it worked for welding too! It also has built in ear and head protection which other models don't.

Triton just sold out to HTC, the folks who make casters, etc. They have re-done their site and there is no info there yet about the respirator. You can bring up cached pages of specs, etc., in Google.
Here are two places that still sell the Triton and parts; actually there are quite a few with filters and battery packs.



There is a finer filter than the stock PRA 050 one made by some Australian welding company (can't recall the name), but I do not know where to get them in the US.

I hope HTC redesigns this system with a more reasonable battery pack. Lighter with swapable lithium batteries. Someone with a bit of the tinkerer's spirit could easily do it. That's why I bought it. I didn't even care if the batteries and motor worked. It's something anyone with mediocre electircal skills could easily modify. The Trend design would be more trouble to modify since it is all in one helmet.

Jerry Allen
11-15-2009, 7:12 PM
I've only had mine for a month, but have not had any problems with discomfort.
I assume you adjusted the helmet some...

Brian Keahey
11-15-2009, 7:38 PM
I use the Trend Pro as well and have had zero complaints with it. It is heavy and you would have to get used to the extra weight on your neck. I wear a fire helmet all day, so the weight isn't an issue for me.

Keep an eye out on All Pro Tools. They regularly run the Pro on sale, especially at Christmas time. I picked up mine for $189 from them.

Glenn Roberts
11-16-2009, 4:56 AM
Dick, Many years ago I looked at the 3M units ( Dustmaster etc) but was put off by the price. Parts are so expensive. A replacement visor was over $100. While my Protector brand unit (which is almost 'identical') uses a high impact polycarbonate visor and is replaceble at around a 1/10th of the price. So why are the 3M so expensive? Hence why Triton came on the scene.
I don't own a aTriton by I have heard owners comment on the extra weight (helmet/earmuffs etc) being uncomfortable and being hot.

After using standard protective equipment, after using an air powered helmet, you would not go back. no fogging, much more comfortable. IMO

Bill Blasic
11-16-2009, 6:24 AM
I recently purchased a powered air mask from Peachtree woodworking specifically for sanding as it is light weight and I don't have to wear the heavy helmet. www.ptreeusa.com/edirect_103009.html
I found that I can wear it under my face mask and it does the job I was looking for. It is currently sold out but might be something to look out for.