View Full Version : 1642 ballast box and storage

Larry Nelms
11-13-2009, 6:53 PM
Back in september there was a post about aballast box and storage cabinet for a Jet 1642 . Can someone please direct me to it. Thanks.

Mike Cross
11-13-2009, 7:12 PM
Is this the one you are looking for?



Chris Stolicky
11-14-2009, 9:55 AM
If you have any questions about the set up feel free to ask.

Just make sure that if you use drawer slides, rather than making your own, get the one's that are self closing. I did, and am happy I made that decision. Otherwise, any vibration could cause them to open on you.

Good luck.

Larry Nelms
11-15-2009, 11:31 AM
Chris, any measurements, including drawer measurements, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Dan Henry
11-15-2009, 5:50 PM
I made a similar unit with drawers but put on it casters so I can move out from under the lathe the clean up the turning shavings, there will be shavings.


Jimmy Powell
11-16-2009, 4:31 PM

I am considering the 1642 as a purchase for myself. I would like your comments pro and con as well as anyone here that currently owns one.


Sean Hughto
11-16-2009, 4:35 PM
I own one. I love it. What do you want to know?

Larry Nelms
11-16-2009, 7:20 PM
I own the 110 model, I love it .

Jimmy Powell
11-16-2009, 9:56 PM

what do you like, love, hate about it. Has Jet been good customer service. Yada Yada Yada.


Chris Haas
11-16-2009, 10:09 PM
i have the 1.5hp 110v model. dont see a need for the 2hp. i sucessfully use the mcnaughton center saver system, and yes i can stall out a 14 inch blank, but i think if your very aggressive you can do that with a 2 even 3hp motor.
the only fall back is the 16 inch swing, or rather the lack of outboard capabilities. but if your crafty there are plenty of ways to construct an outboard turning stand. all in all, i dont think you can go wrong with the 1642. it will hold its value and it is a high quality lathe. the vs is great too. save the money that you would spend on a 3520b and outfit yourself with a bunch of accessories.

think about this too. steve schlump uses a 1642, and i would put any of his pieces up against anyone using a larger more expensive lathe anyday. just my 2 cents.

Chris Stolicky
11-17-2009, 2:32 PM
I tend to agree with a lot Chris' points (maybe its the name) - I really like my 1642 - although I did opt for the 2 HP. I was actually saving for the mustard, but I ended up being able to get the Jet for literally half of the price of the mustard. I just couldn't justify it - not now. I was able to invest in quite a bit of tooling and accessories for less than that price difference.

Larry - sorry about the measurements. As usual, work and the baby have been taking up most of my time.

I can tell you that I pretty much took measurements of the opening I had to work with, and then maximized the wood I had around to build something. The design changed several times. I originally started with the idea of six drawers, three on each side. I then realized that shallow drawers can actually be very efficient (look at tool chests). So, I decided that four drawers would be better. From there, I decided to make two larger and two smaller drawers. On the left side I decided to simply make two larger drawers, but having the door gives me the option of storing larger stuff by taking the top drawer out. The tail stock would fit, but I tend to put other stuff in there.

I'm not sure if you can tell by the pictures and description in the link above, but I first built a ballast box. My goal was to build it so that the top part of the ballast box rested on the top of the larger "U" brackets. Since the two sand bags I used were taller than using standard 2"x4"s, I actually ripped a 2"x6" (~1") and notched each end so it fit flush with the top of the "U" bracket. I just screwed plywood to the bottom (this can be a challenge) and added the two sand bags and scrap granite tiles I had in the box.

The rough dimensions of the chest are 18" high, 18" deep, and whatever gives you about an inch of play (total) on the left and right sides (44" maybe?). I made sure the top overhung an inch to mitigate shavings from accumulating on/in the drawers. My plan was to leave about 3" between the bottom of the bed and the top of the box - at the ends. Its a little less in the middle because the bed is thicker.

Um, the drawers on the right side are roughly 6" and 3", although there is a little variation. It was kind of a trim to fit thing after the fact. I just made them 1" narrower than the openings to allow for 1/2" on each side for the drawer slides. Once the drawers were installed I made the fronts.

So far, it has worked well in keeping all of the small stuff you typically need close by, and not lost in the shavings.

Greg Bender
11-17-2009, 8:57 PM
I just bought a 16/42 2 hp jet and will pick it up this weekend.They are offering great deals on the 2 hp unit because Jet decided to phase it out because of low sales numbers.I got mine for $1500 ,maybe Toolnut can get you one for around that price.Considering what the PM 3520 sells for and I agree,the pieces that Steve turns on his ,I'm really looking forward to getting it.I am working on some kind of outboard turning setup.Would love to come up with a similar setup as the 3520 deal.I will post as soon as I get mine fired up.